Chapter 1: Welcome To Omaha

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        When my mom finally told me we were moving I was actually excited. I hated Chicago and I just wanted to leave. My mom has been dating this guy who lives in Omaha for like 9 months now and they are finally reuniting. They were highschool friends but then they seperated and didn't talk until they saw eachother again at an old friends party. My dad died when I was 9 and coming up on the 8 year anniversary of his death, I still didn't have a father figure in my life. I was nervous about meeting a new man but I had to trust my mother and I knew it would be good for the both of us.

We finally arrived at Omaha at 3 pm. The house was a good size, but we also didn't need all that much room. I dragged my bags upstairs and stared at the empty room. I threw my bags into my new bedroom and ran back downstairs to get the rest of my stuff.

"Mom are we going to paint today?" I asked.

"Oh shit I forgot... Yeah hold on let me get everything into the house and then we can go pick up some paint and appliances."

I nodded my head and walked outside to help unpack. After dragging 20 more boxes into the house we finally got back into the car and drove to home depot. I chose a light, almost cynan, blue color for my room and then picked out some furniture. After an hour and a half of shopping we went back home and painted by room. 


It took a good long week before our home was finally finished. All the rooms were painted the desired color and all the furniture was placed in the desired area. My mother went out a couple of nights out of the week with her boyfriend. The only information I had ever gotten was that his name was David, she never told me how the dates went. I guess she didn't want me to be upset because of dad which is understandable. Once the first week of settling in, things started to become normal. The only thing was, I started school in a day and I was dreading it.

I was happy to be starting at a new school, hopefully to find a new start but I was nervous. What if they don't like me? What if they bully me? I just wanted to make friends and fit in but at my old school I did everything but that. I can only hope things will be different here.

The next morning I found myself rushing. I woke up way too late and I had way too much to do. I finished my makeup and hair quickly. I frantically slipped into black skinny jeans, white converse and then put on an oversized tan colored sweater. I curled my hair a little bit and then grabbed my keys along with my bag before running out the door to my car. Mom left directions and my registration sheet  in my car so I was ready to go, she figured I would be in a rush. I followed them and drove quickly to school. When I pulled into the parking lot it was nearly impossible to find a parking spot. I searched for what seemed like eternity then finally found one next to an expensive car full of mean looking guys. I stepped out of the car and started gathering my stuff.

"You can't park here." One boy spoke.

I looked up and quickly responded. "Says who?" 

I realized I probably shouldn't of given him such an attitude, I didn't even know the guy yet. 

"Says me." The same guy snapped.

"You must be new here sweetheart, that parking spot is taken." The blondie said.

"Okay well I'll move my car later, I have to go." I said.

"No, you will move your ugly car now." The boy with very dark eyes and hair said.

"Is it that big of a deal?" I asked, becoming angry.

"Come on darling you're wasting precious time." A boy with light brown hair said.

I rolled my eyes and got back into my car. I drove off and found a new parking spot.

"Fucking assholes." I mumbled to myself.

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