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I woke up earlier and ran to Russia's containment room even though I was very near his containment room. I was tired just from running, after sliding to something by accident. I opened the door. Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia woke up. "I found something that might help you, Rus!" He got up, "What is it?!" I told them, "Canada told me about a substance that was found in the same place where they found you. The substance is being held at one of the sites near the area so we might find it there." Then the door opened, "I knew that you'll figure that out." He turned China with another person behind him, another guard. Rus growled at him. "I know about that, Japan." The guard threw Canada with us and they held guns towards us. "Call the site director about these people tried to free SCP-6000." I shouldn't trust him when I first entered here. Just was the guard tried to call on the Walkie-talkie before smoke appeared in the room. I heard the door opening and closing and heard a thud. Eventually, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me somewhere near the wall. Soon the wall started to open, and everyone was there and the wall closed behind us. "Thanks for helping us out." Then one of the people removed their masks, it was Pip, "No problem" The other two removed their masks, Ukraine and Belarus. Pip went to her Walkie-talkie and reported, "The subjects are safe, over." The voice replied, " Excellent, now bring them back, over." Pip was ahead and led us out. We followed her and we continued to walk for awhile. Then we stopped to a hatch and Pip knocked on the hatch. Then it started to turn and open. We followed Pip as she went to the hatch. We were greeted by smiling faces and welcomes, "Welcome to the Serpents Hand's base!" The place was really cool to be in. They didn't have a hard time and didn't have any eyes appearing one their bodies as well. "Well done Pip, mission success!" We looked and two other members went to Pip and started to talk to them. "Well I welcome you as well." It might be the leader and he shook hands with us. "I'm the leader, ASEAN and you will be meeting my partner, a double agent in the meantime but for now take your time to explore the facility will I ask Ukraine and Belarus about how their doing." Ukraine and Belarus followed him while me, Canada and Russia walked around. After few hours we were called to the office of ASEAN. We walked to the office and saw UN, "Meet UN or as he's known, Site Director UN, our double agent and partner for the Serpents Hand."

Containment ( Countryhuman/Rusame StoryWhere stories live. Discover now