Sleepy Helbram Cuddles (Accidental Angst)

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Helbram didn't mean to fall asleep, but he did. The bad part about the whole situation, was he had done it while he was on guard duty. It wasn't his fault that he hadn't gotten any sleep the night before, it was the nightmares. Ones about Harlequin, his best friend, disappearing off to the human realm, only for Helbram to stumble across his dead body, slash marks on his back where his wings should have been. Every time he had that nightmare, he woke up screaming, and would often bolt off in search of Harlequin to make sure he was okay.

This time wasn't any different. As soon as he had closed his eyes, he was thrust into that same nightmare.

"No," he whispered to himself, but the words were caught in his throat, and refused to surface. "Not again... Please, not again."

Despite his silent pleas, he was forced forward against his will, towards the burning village in front of him, where he knew from his past nightmares that he would find his best friend's dead body. He tried to turn around and go away from the village, but he had no control over his body. He could only watch in anguish as his body was forced to walk forward, his eyes looking downward to catch sight of his best friend. A strangled sob tried to claw its way from his throat, but no sound came out. He dropped to his knees, leaning down to pick up his dead friend's body, and held him close. He just only wished that somebody would take mercy on him and wake him from this nightmare, as he rocked back and forth, tears streaming down his face. A quiet sob finally slipped past his lips as he looked down at Harlequin's face, wishing desperately that he would just open his eyes and laugh, saying that it was a joke, but knowing full well that until he woke up, he would forever be holding his dead friend's body in his arms. But for the first time since the nightmares started, something changed.

".....ram? Helbram! Helbram, please wake up!"

He knew that voice. It was Harlequin. But how? he wondered. Harlequin is right here... Dead, in my arms. Helbram shook his head and looked back down at the body he held in his arms, only to realize that it had disappeared. Wait, wasn't his body just in my arms? he thought, a confused look on his face. That's when he felt hands grabbing his shoulders and shaking him back and forth, all of a sudden wrenching him from that horrible nightmare.

"Helbram!" Harlequin cried, still shaking him back and forth. Helbram's eyes blinked open slowly, and locked gazes with Harlequin's.

"Ha-Harlequin...?" he murmured, still dazed from having just been forcefully woken from his nightmare.

"Oh god, Helbram, don't ever scare me like that again!" Harlequin scolded, tears threatening to fall. Helbram's eyes widened, and he immediately pulled him into a hug, tears of his own streaming down his cheeks. Harlequin noticed this, and pulled back long enough to make Helbram look him in the eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he questioned, shocked to see his best friend so distraught after just waking up.

"I h-had a n-nightmare..." Helbram managed out between choked sobs. Harlequin's eyes widened before he pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back soothingly and quietly shushing him.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Helbram shook his head, unable to get any words out. Harlequin sighed softly and nodded, understanding that his friend needed some time to calm down. A few minutes passed by before he felt Helbram calm down, and he was finally able to talk. Harlequin leaned back slightly and gave him his full attention, worrying at his lip.

"A few weeks ago, I started having these nightmares where I would walk into a burning village, a-and find you laying on the ground, s-slash m-m-marks on your back," Helbram murmured, looking down as tears started to stream down his cheeks again. A noise of surprise slipped from Harlequin's lips, and he pulled Helbram back into a hug, holding him tightly as he felt his friend cling to him, his body racked with sobs once again. He gently rocked them back and forth, his hand coming up to rub Helbram's back soothingly.

"Shhhh, it's okay..." Harlequin whispered, his other hand reaching up to play with his friend's hair. "I'm here now, it's okay..."

"I know th-that it's all a n-nightmare, b-but I can't h-help but feel terrif-fied," Helbram choked out, sobs still shaking his entire body. Harlequin shushed him again and summoned Chastiefol, leaning them both back onto its pillow form and reaching up to brush away the tears on Helbram's face.

"I know... If I had a nightmare like that, I'd be terrified too," Harlequin admitted, a slight blush on his face. Helbram looked up at him and smiled sadly, a soft sigh escaping his lips.

"I'm glad you don't." Harlequin winced slightly and looked at him apologetically. "Do you mind if we just stay like this...?"

"Of course I don't mind, as long as it makes you feel better." Helbram nodded, curling into his best friend's side and resting his head on the other's lap. A few minutes passed by in silence before he spoke up, looking up at his friend.

"Hey, Harlequin?"

"Yes Helbram?"

"I... I love you." Helbram blushed and looked away, the tips of his ears feeling as though they were on fire. His mind wandered to dark places whenever he heard silence from his best friend, and he sat up quickly, suddenly not wanting to hear his response. A hand shot out and grabbed his before he was able to fly off, and he looked back in shock only to see that he wasn't the only one who was flustered. A small smile graced his lips when he noticed that Harlequin had indeed flushed a deeper shade of crimson than he had, and he turned around fully, waiting for his friend to speak.

"I... I was not expecting that," Harlequin started, causing Helbram's eyes to narrow and for him to cross his arms, "but... It makes me extremely happy to hear those words come out of your mouth." Helbram froze, eyes widening in shock, as he processed those words.


"I love you too Helbram," Harlequin finished, his face flushing again as a confident look in his eyes sparkled. Helbram was barely able to open his mouth to speak before his best friend had leaned forward to place a soft kiss on his lips. He froze for a second before kissing back, earning a relieved sigh from the other. They pulled away for air a few seconds later, leaning their foreheads together and smiling.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to hear those words come out of your mouth," Helbram murmured after he had caught his breath. A small chuckle escaped Harlequin's lips, and he nodded slightly, pulling the other into a hug.

"I'll stay here with you, if you'd like?" he offered, sitting down on Chastiefol and patting the open space next to him. An invitation. Helbram smiled and accepted the offer, returning to his previous position and sighing contentedly.

"Sleep well, Helbram," Harlequin murmured, a hand absentmindedly playing with the other's hair.


Holy shit, this was NOT supposed to be angst, but apparently my mind had other plans. My apologies to everyone, I'M SORRY.

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