Eric: Uh... Jimmy
Jimmy: What
Eric: I wanna get married to Stephanie
Jimmy: WHAT!?!?
Eric: I wanna get married to Stephanie
Jimmy: Don't you think your relationship is going to fast?
Eric: No
Jimmy: What if she doesn't
Eric: I don't know
Jimmy: You better hope she says yes
Eric: I'm pretty sure she will say yes
Jimmy: Ok
Eric texting Stephanie saying, " Stephanie I really, really like you a lot and I wanna get married to you please, PLEASE say YES!!!"
Stephanie' s point of view
Stephanie: Eric just texted me
Stella: What did he say?
Stephanie reads what he sent her
Stephanie: He said that he wants to get married to me
Stella: WHAT!!!
Stephanie: I really like this guy and I'm going to say yes
Stella: CONGRATS!!!
Stephanie: THANKS!!!
Stephanie texting Eric saying, " YES I WILL MARRY YOU!!!
Now Eric's point of view
Eric: Thanks!
Jimmy: When are you guys gonna have the wedding?
Eric: I wanna have it tomorrow, but first I gotta ask Stephanie
Eric texting Stephanie saying, " Wanna get married tomorrow?
Stephanie: He said if I wanna have the wedding tomorrow
Stella: SAY YES!!!
Stephanie: I know
Stella: Ok
Stephanie texting Eric saying, " Ok let's have the wedding tomorrow"
Eric: She said we'll have the wedding tomorrow
Jimmy: Man, I wish I had somebody like your fiance
Eric: She has a friend
Jimmy: Well I'll see her tomorrow
Eric: Ok
Real Love
RomanceOne guy and one girl meets, and they want to take steps of love fast. Find out how they do it