Chapter 10

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I had nightmares again last night but it was a different kind of nightmare this time. It felt so real that I felt like I was there. I was walking through a dark place, I kept walking past a mirror, I felt like I was trapped. Someone was watching me and every time I passed the mirror, my reflection just stopped and stared at me with a sinister look. I felt a shroud of terror come over me and I ran, but no matter where I ran I just couldn't get away. My reflection was still there. Finally I confronted it.

"What do you want from me!" I shout.
My reflection doubles, triples, until there are thousands of living moving pictures of my reflection staring at me, each taking turns speaking.

"Why deny what you are, you have so much power, so much potential. You are capable of doing so many things but you hold yourself back." The reflection says, it's voice echoing.

"What are you talking about? I don't know what you mean." I say.

"That's what you say but you do know. Don't you?" It asks.
"Awaken it and rule all." It says.

"I don't kno-, what, what do you want from me?!" I ask panicked.

"It's not what I want that you need be worried about." It says. Behind me.

"It's what he wants that you should be afraid of." It continues as I whip around trying to see which one is talking.

"What do you mean?! Who is he?" I ask as I shout into the air. It starts raining. The reflection is gone and someone grabs me, I can't see who it is. I wake up almost panicked, I'm covered in sweat.

I get out of bed and turn my shower on. I can't shake the feeling of dread left behind from my dream. Maybe I can try to wash it away. I do know one thing, Kaden and Dane need to get Magda to do this ritual so I can find out 'what I am', if not human, then what? The ritual was supposed to happen during the full moon a week ago, but when Dane tried to call Magda the night of he got no answer. It's been two weeks since we even talked to her. I text the guys.

Me- Hey, did you guys hear anything from Magda yet?

Kaden- No. Why?

Me- I had a bad dream, it felt so real. I need answers, it was like whatever was in my dream, whatever it is, is trying to reach out to my subconscious. It was weird.

Dane- What do you mean?

Me- It's a long story.

Dane- When you say "it's a long story".. it's usually bad.. what happened?

Me- I was talking to myself.
Me- But only.. it wasn't me?
Me- But it looked like me so it had to be me?

Kaden- Gemma, you're not making any sense. We're gonna come over.

Me- No, it's fine. It was just a bad dream. You don't have to come over.

Dane- Ok. Are you sure?

Me- Yeah, I'm good.

Kaden- We will see you tonight though right?

Me- Uh, yeah. Yeah, of course.

Dane- Alright. I'll try calling Magda to see what's going on. 

Me- Okay. Thank you guys! See you soon.

Jàime is in the kitchen making coffee. I go downstairs.
"Hey babygirl. You look tired." She says.

"Yeah, I had a bad dream again." I say.

"Harvey?" She asks.

"No, this one was different." I say.

"How so?" She asks.

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