You and Me

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T'was January thirteen of two thousand and thirteen,

when we go out somewhere I haven't been.

We were both shy, starting to know each other,

words that was unexplained, I really do wonder.

Then January twenty of two thousand and thirteen,

I asked you to be my love and be mine!

You answered me a 'Yes' and then I stutter,

You never knew how happy I am, I have no words to utter.

Though we have differences, likes and dislikes,

we still manage to take care of each other, no words can describe.

You changed me the way I am,

and I changed you the ay you are to me!

There were no certain words

that I can best describe your deeds!

But one thing, I was sure of,

you never leave me when I am cold!

You were there beside me,

You are my crying shoulder,

My most admired person for me,

Priceless as what they called to Remember!

I love the way you took care of me,

I love the way you guide me,

I love the way you smile with me,

I love everything you have done for me!

Thank you for being there during my worst,

Thank you for being my companion when I am alone,

Thank you for being my best friend when I needed them the most,

And most of all, thank you for loving me when all I can do is to leave and be gone!

I promise you that no matter what happen,

You and me will always be together,

Will take care each other, no rhyme nor reason,

You and me to remember and stay forever!

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