The Fix

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After three rounds of Ultimate Mecha Strike III (of which Marinette won every single one), she suggested another video game.

"You try to copy the dance steps on the screen and it tracks your movements," she explained. "That way you learn to dance to the song. My friend Alya let me borrow it and it's really fun, but it's better when you have a partner."

"That's awesome. I'd love to try it," Chat Noir said. Luckily he had played the game at Alya's house before, so he wouldn't be completely horrible.

"Alright," Marinette said, setting up the game console. "Well start at the beginner's level and see how it goes."

Once the game was set up, she moved the chairs away from her desk so they had space to move around. "Stand here next to me and watch the screen," she told him.

The music started playing and two shadow figures appeared on the screen. The figures started moving slowly to the song.

Marinette and Chat Noir lifted their arms and moved their legs, copying the choreography. The beat was slow, so they had no problem keeping up.

"See, you're getting it," Marinette said, looking over at him.

"Us cats are very graceful animals," he replied, earning a laugh from the girl.

They stayed up late playing the game. Both Marinette and Chat Noir were exhausted by the time they decided to call it quits, but it had been worth it. Chat Noir couldn't remember a time when he had so much fun.

He went back to her house the following evening. They played the dancing game again, taking a break every so often to munch on some macarons.

The next evening he went back again, but had to leave early when he got an akuma alert.

So he went back the next evening, and the next, and the next, and the next...

Chat Noir continued visiting Marinette everyday. They would usually play the dancing game. And they were getting really good at it. They quickly mastered the beginner's levels and moved up to the more advanced ones.

It wasn't all video games though. Sometimes Chat Noir would help Marinette study for an exam or finish her homework. Sometimes she would draw sketches in her design notebook, using Chat Noir as her new muse. On some clear nights they would hang out on her balcony and watch the world go by.

Adrien couldn't stop visiting her. Every night he needed his 'Marinette' fix. Hanging out at school wasn't enough, he needed one-on-one time.

As the weeks went by, he felt that the more time he spent with her, the more time he wanted. Anything that kept him away from his Marinette made him crabby. He sulked every time he had an event or a photoshoot to go to, or when Marinette was going out with her friends or had to help her parents.

Plagg teased him relentlessly, calling Marinette his 'girlfriend' and picking out names for their future children. Adrien ignored the teasing. He and Marinette were just friends. Really good friends. Super mega best friends. Why was it so difficult for Plagg to understand that?


One Sunday afternoon Adrien found himself at the Trocadéro Gardens with Marinette, Alya and Nino. It was a rare moment when his father had actually given him permission to hang out with his friends outside of school. He was enjoying every second of it. Especially the part when he got to sit next to his favorite blunette.

It was a perfect day. That is, until he got an alert on his phone. He groaned, frustrated that he would miss out on time with Marinette. But work had to come first.

Adrien lied and told the group that his father requested him to come home early. At least his overprotective father was good for one thing; he always had a valid excuse to leave for an akuma attack.

He hurried to a secluded area and transformed. Chat Noir quickly headed towards City Hall, where he found the akumatized villain outside in the courtyard.

She was a tall, thin woman wearing a striped business suit with exaggerated pointed shoulders. In front of her were living office supplies, greatly oversized and moving around. There were huge paper clips, markers, and pushpins that were chasing away anyone that got close to her.

Furiously writing on an oversized clipboard, she muttered to herself. Suddenly a huge stapler appeared and started shooting staples out at the security guards.

Chat Noir landed in front of the villain. "What's the matter?" he asked, smirking at her. "Your printer run out of ink?"

The villain responded by scribbling on her clipboard again. An enormous pair of scissors appeared and moved towards the superhero, trying to slice him.

Chat Noir yelped and jumped out of the way. A moment later Ladybug landed next to him. "Applying for a new job?" she asked, cheekily.

"I think it's obvious that I'm not cut out for office work," he replied, smiling at her. "Plus, I like the job I have now."

Ladybug smiled back as they advanced towards the villain.


"Pound it," they said, fist bumping.

Immediately after the battle was over, Chat Noir's ring started beeping. "A pleasure, as always," he said, bowing to Ladybug.

She gave a bow back. "Good day sir," she replied.

He smirked and took off with his baton.

She was about to take off herself when Mayor Bourgeois came up to her.

"Ladybug! Thank you so much for saving my office manager Miss Durand," he said. His face fell slightly. "I suppose that I shouldn't have been so harsh with her when she ordered the wrong type of post-it notes."

"It's okay Mr. Bourgeois. We all make mistakes sometimes."

"Indeed," he responded. "I also wanted to let you know that I was able to track down the item you requested. It's up in my office if you have a moment."

Ladybug's eyes went wide and she put her yo-yo back on her hip.

"Yes of course. Thank you so much!" she exclaimed, following him inside the building.

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