Chapter 5 - Feu D'artifice

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Chapter 5: Feu D’artifice

Malia POV

“Hey, Mals the fireworks are about to start,” Cameron whispers into my ear, while gently shaking me. I groan a bit but then I lift my head up and blink my eyes a few times to get used to my surroundings. I noticed that there were a bunch of jackets, sweatshirts, and sweaters piled on top of me.

Did they all put their stuff on top of me so I wouldn’t get cold? Only Cameron knows about me having anemia. Well my mom knew but she doesn't have an effect on this particular situation.

“Um, I don’t know whose stuff is whose but thanks so much guys,” I said smiling while I tried handing them back their stuff. It actually touched me that they all cared enough to give up their clothes to keep me comfortable. I eventually was able to return everyone’s stuff back to them.  I was still quite cold but I didn’t want them trying to do everything to please me. It made me feel as if I was taking advantage of them. CURSE human emotions! I handed Matt back his varsity jacket.

“You sure you don’t need it?” He asks offering it back to me. I shook my head.

“Uh, no I will be alright,” I say holding up my hands declining his offer. I turned my attention to the sky that was now a beautiful orange color from the sunset. I pulled out my phone and snapped a few pictures, just because I like pictures. It makes me feel like that moment will last forever.

“Hey Cam, I thought you said the fireworks were starting?” I asked Cameron. I thought that fireworks usually didn’t start until it was fully dark. I checked the time and it was 8:34pm. I guess maybe it’s at 9:00pm.

“I guess I was wrong, sorry,” He said shrugging his shoulders.

“Its fine,” I said, and it was fine. I sat back down and decided to go through all the pictures from today. I clicked on the gallery and started scrolling through all of them. I smiled as I saw the picture of me and Eeyore. I remember watching Winnie the Pooh on those video tapes where you would have to physically rewind it. I took off my sunglasses so I could see the pictures better. I set them in my bag and took out my bottle of water and took a sip or two as I continued looking at all the pictures. Then I tucked my knees and wrapped my arms around them to keep me warm as I finished looking through my pictures.

“Hey Cam did you take any pictures on your phone?” I asked him trying not to let my teeth chatter. I didn’t want him to worry, but I was actually getting pretty cold because it was almost nine so the sun was almost down. (Sorry just another FYI I'm not trying to exaggerate or make her look helpless but cold intolerance has that effect on people. Most people with anemia can’t be in 70 degrees or lower without feeling cold. I actually have it and I carry a blanket around at school because I am always cold.)

“No, sorry,” He said a bit quickly. I frowned, but it wasn’t his fault. I checked the time once again to see if the fireworks were any closer to starting. It was only 8:43pm. And at this point my body was starting to shake from shivering, but I was forcing it down by hugging myself tighter. I probably looked like I was trying to strangle my knees. I heard once that if you remain extremely stiff you can’t feel the cold as much so I tried my best to achieve it but it wasn’t working out so well. Ugh. I turned to look at the guys and they were all on their phones. Well I wasn’t going to be spending any time with them as of right now. I needed to do something to take my mind off of the temperature. My battery was at 30%. I think I can risk a few percentages of battery to go on twitter. I quickly turn off airplane mode and open twitter, and my phone practically explodes with all of the followers and notifications I was getting. I now had 13,937 followers, and it was going up pretty rapidly. I checked my timeline and saw that the boys were tweeting.

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