To Kiss, or Not to Kiss?- xXThoseNightsXx

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Suggestion Number Seven:

To Kiss, or Not to Kiss?

Written by (Wattpad user): xXThoseNightsXx

This story only has a few parts so far, but it's enough for me to get a feeling of what it's about.  And I can honestly say, I only read the first part because it was dedicated to me, but it's a different story and I like where it's going! :D

Preview: The story starts on one of the first few days of Mitch's senior year.  Her teacher tells the class to make a list on ten goals for the year.  While they're writing their lists, a fellow classmate, Eli looks back at Mitch before continuing his list.  Mitch's list is just school related things, typical goals.  When her teacher tells them to share, Eli stands and tells his goal.  To kiss Mitch by the end of senior year.  The goal turns into a bet and since I've only read two parts, that's all I know that happens so far, other than them eating an amazing monstrous ice cream sundae. haha

Suggestion: I like this story because it's different, it's not like a cliché one and It has a unique idea going.  It's written really well and I believe that this story can go somewhere successful! :D

Anyhoo, Check it out! It's a pretty great story.

I've attached the story in the External Link :D


❤ Jes

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