Chapter 1: Mom?

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"Derek you need to find your mate," Deaton told the older wolf that he had called over.

"I don't need a mate, I can take care of the pack myself," Derek replied.

You see for a pack to work well they need a pack mom. Someone who will take care of the pack or pups as if they were their own children. A pack mom is the luna of the alpha, in other words, the alpha's mate. They won't only take care of them but also heal them, protect them, and be someone who keeps them safe and cares for them.

Without another word, the younger male turned and left the animal clinic. Deaton watched as he left, leaving him to sigh shake his head, and continue working.

'He'll find one whether he wants to or not' thought the vet as he went back to work

Stiles POV 

'Ugh, I hate school (A/n No offense to those who like it) who's idea was it to torture people this way?' I thought as I parked my baby, my jeep, in the school's parking. I grabbed my stuff and got out then made my way to the pack who were sitting on the benches.

"Hi guys," I said as I greeted them.

"Hey mo-stiles," said Ethan as he corrected himself quickly and received glares from the others. It took me a minute to realize what he was going to call me.

"Ethan, were you about to call me mo-" I started but was cut off by Lydia

"Hey did you guys hear about the two new students," she said saving an embarrassed  Ethan who cuddled on his brother's side

"No, what grade are they in?" asked Erica (She is alive because screw death) who was cuddling to Boyd's side (if Erica is alive then he needs to be alive)

"Well one of them is in our grade and the other one is in Mason's grade," Lydia said

"Oh okay," said Aiden

"Girls, I saw the prettiest dress on sale," said Allison (She alive as well) and soon the conversation went everywhere, I started glassing around until I saw a blonde dude staring at Scott

'Would you look at that? My little pup has an admirer' I thought but then I stopped dead in my tracks 'Did I just call Scott my pup?' I shook it off and walked over to him

Isaac's POV

Finally, I and Liam just got to the new school they enrolled us in, nothing is going to distract me from- who is that guy? he is hot, I didn't even notice I was staring until a skinny guy came walking towards us

"Hi," he greeted us "are you new here?"

"Yeah" I answered as Liam stood behind me

"Well I'm Stiles, it's not my actual name but it's what I like to be called"

"I'm Isaac, Isaac Lahey"

"I'm Liam, Liam Dunbar"

"Why don't you guys sit with me and my friends?" he asked

"Sure," I said "Liam, were going to sit with him okay"

"Okay," he replied, Liam isn't really shy but since he got bullied in our last school he started to get scared that it'll happen again, and to top it all he has IED (Intermitted explosive disorder)

"Is he your brother?" Stiles asked looking at us

"No," I answered "He is my friend, we grew up together since our parents are umm close"

"So where did you two move from?" he asked

"Devenford Prep" I answered looking at Liam

"Did you guys get kicked out?" He asked as he looked at both of us

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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