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"You are my sun, my moon and all of my stars🌌"

~ E. E. Cummings.

I stumbled upon some horny teenagers as Louis dragged me out of the bar

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I stumbled upon some horny teenagers as Louis dragged me out of the bar.

Everything was a blur for me. I was way too drunk to actually care about the stares nearby people were giving me as I couldn't even walk properly.

"Shouldn't have drunk that much mate" Louis said rather apologetically.

"A-amy" I slurred as that's the only thing going on my mind.

Who's Amy? Well, she's my long-time crush. Nobody believes it, though. Not even Amy. So, I had to do anything to make her believe that I really like her. Weird stuff.

"I know, I know," Louis said as he opened the car door for me. "You wanted to impress her, so you made a bet with Nick that you can chuck fifteen bears in thirty minutes. That's a bad bet if you'd ask me"

Who's Nick? My arch enemy, Amy's ex-boyfriend who wants to win her back and make my life a living hell.

"B-but I w-won!" I argued.

I won the bet, right? But did it do me any good? No. Did I impress Amy? I don't know.

Louis shook his head as he started the engine, probably thinking it's of no use to argue with a love-stricken drunkard.

He drove in silence, and I looked outside the window, capturing the beautiful landscape outside.

My eyes began to shut as I struggled to keep it open. At the end of the day, I didn't want to be a burden to Lou. He already left the New years day party because of me and the last thing I want is him dragging a sleeping me inside the house.

As I looked out the window, I saw some barrel-shaped objects flying. Was it a ritual for people to fly kites in the new years day?

As I squinted my eyes to look properly, I noticed that it glowed.

It fucking glows.

There was a flicker of light inside that barrel as it quietly landed on old John's farm.

Kites don't land... Fuck, that's a spaceship. That's a UFO.

"Louis" I yelled pointing towards the spaceship "Look! A UFO!"

"Harry! Look you're drunk" Louis mocked me.

"No Louis seriously, I saw a UFO," I told him sternly.

"Harry!" Louis warned me "Late night star grazing is getting inside your head"

"Louis please!" I pleaded "Stop the car!"

"Fine" Louis groaned as he suddenly applied the brakes, almost making my head bump with the front seat.

"Where's the fucking UFO?"

"There, there!" I said as I pointed towards John's farm.

"Harry, there's no UFO" Louis calmly said and I shook my head.

"There it is- wait, where did it go?" I tried to squint my eyes more if it was possible but I couldn't see the spaceship anymore.

"I swear, I saw it here, where did it go?" I panicked.

I was not a liar. It was a fucking spaceship.

"Harry, you're drunk," he said as a matter-of-fact voice. "Go to sleep and let me drive in peace"

I nodded as I closed my eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.

Was it really a drunken imagination or something real?

Was it really a drunken imagination or something real?

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Hey sexy people,

Thanks for giving my book a try, I really appreciate that.

First time writing a science fiction cum fantasy cum romance, so bear with me.

Also, it's both science fiction and fantasy, so don't come at me with things like 'Aliens don't exist' etc. It's a story for god's sake.

P.S. I love you💖

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