Ch1: oh come on did ya have to press the button

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So ya might wonder "hey elie explain the Big Bang explain Jesus blah, blah, blah, blah, blah," so the Big Bang huh easy Mikey and Jason got in another argument and Mikey destroyed my work by pressing a button in the wall . My work; I was doing the heavy work by building a univers and the asshole I claim to be my big brother ruined it after shit cooled he got drunk and made most of the poisonous animals but not before I could fix it, yeah I created the first species: little microbes  and one day he said " hey el what do those things do why not they cause chaos why aren't they massive" so I made  them evolve and evolve and evolve until one day he sat on a button How does one SIT ON A BUTTON and blew them up, my poor dinosaurs so I set out to make a new species; monkeys starting the chain of evolution but it stopped right before humans so we sat down for supper one day and I created the first human a female and they had to fuck things up again so I created humans and they stopped some right before the finish line so now ya have colonizers and racists and rapists and pedos and pervs ya know the bad shit.

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