Don't Let Go

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Please ignore the grammatical mistakes, thank you.


"Ma'am, Sir!", they both heard a voice after what felt like years, which is 3 hours.

"Yes", they replied in unison.
"Do you need any water?"
The ravenette scoffed, "Tell (them) to get us out of here first", he said to her irritated, in a broken English.

"Yes man, get us out of here, we don't need anything until we get back up", she yelled back, her voice resonating in between the rocks.
The male on the top squeaked a sorry.

"Where is that Policeman?Hellow~?", she sang.
"Ma'am, don't panic. We're getting the help", the police replied making them grunt as a response, "We got a few ideas but we're thinking about the consequences, too. So, please co-operate with us. We definitely will get you out of there".

Vanessa's lip twitched in irritation and rolled her eyes and mouthed 'blah blah blah' after the man finished.

She understood that she has to wait patiently, but the pain is too much. She couldn't bear it. The soreness, the jolting pain making her want to cry out loud. But she didn't want to worry the raveette because she's sure that they'll get back up.

"We've got an idea!", the Policeman exclaimed.
She tried to lookup, but the soreness in her limbs is making her frustrated, irritated for unknown reasons.

She regained her posture and asked, "What is it? Please get us out of here, quickly!"

"Yes ma'am, we are sending one of our squad by rope a few metres away from both of you. You'll have to co-operate with him, ma'am. When he comes to you, he will tie a rope to both of you, connecting it with his. What do you have to do is, do not move until he comes to your aid. When he connects that rope with you, you'll have to look up and move slowly to the side to avoid moving the rope under the rock too much. And then, when you're not under the rocks anymore, it'll be easy for us to get you both out of there", the man said calmly.

She took more than a minute to understand what he meant and exhaled slowly and nodded to herself and let out a small 'Ok' after the female's translation for the man holding her is done.

"Be patient, we will get you out of there and trust us"
For the first time after being stuck in the whole situation, she trusted the officer's words.

Suddenly, she felt pain in her abdomen. To be honest, she's feeling something like empty in her whole body after being pushed into the rocks when the stranger fell on her. But she shrugged it off as adrenaline rush.

She's feeling drained all of a sudden and felt her limbs go weak. She tried to ignore it by talking with the male.

"H-Hey um, you're a singer, right?"
"Yeah, why?"

"Why don't you sing one for me?"
He fell silent for a few seconds as her arms felt so sore and weak.
'Almost there'.

She slightly whimpered at the empty feeling building inside her. It feels so void to her but, she can't help but feel nauseous and scared.
"Yeah, sure".

And then she felt it, right when he started singing.
His voice is so soothing and yet she felt pain.

Pain all over her body.

What if this is the last song she ever going to hear?
What if this is the only soothing voice she will hear?

She wants to see her family, her mother especially. She wants to tell her that everything is fine and she'll make it out in no time.

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