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I looked at the time.
"Hey Jaeden, you wanna stay over for dinner?" I ask.
"Sure sounds great!" He says.
We had finished studying and we had just been talking.
Turns out he acted in the it movies. "Oh my god that's amazing! I've never seen them but I would love to!" I say. "I've been wanting to act since I was little as you may know. It sounds so amazing." I say. "Do you have any experience?" He asks. "Kinda? I was in like a thousand plays, but nothing beyond that. We moved to LA so that I could get started in my career but people always are telling me it's too late to start now." I say. "It's not to late! I know exactly how to get you started too!" He says. "Really? That would be amazing!" I say excitedly. "At dinner we could talk to my mom about it!" I suggest. "So how does it work?" I ask. "Well you get a manager, and they find you auditions for movies and shows and stuff, I would suggest shows because then you get to come back for every season they want you in." He says. "That sounds awesome." I say. "I could totally set you up!" He says. "Y/n! Dinner!" My mom yells. "C'mon we'll go tell my mom about everything!" I say.
"Sure!" He says smiling. K grab his hand and we walk out to the kitchen. "Hey mom?!" I ask as she was in the other room. "Yeah?" She calls back. "Is it okay if Jaeden stays for dinner?" I say as she walks in. "Yes of course! Just make sure your parents know." She says. He texts his mom. "She said it's okay." He says. "Awesome! We're having our family recipe chicken fajitas!" My mom says. We sat down at the table with our fajitas. "Where's Sadie?" I ask. "She got a dorm room this year. She's hanging with her roommates." My mom says. "Mom, Jaeden knows how to get me set up with acting!" I say excitedly. "Oh awesome how is that?" She asks. "We would find her a manager and then the manager would help find her jobs!" He says. "Oh awesome! So how do we find a manager?" My mom asks. "Well.." he explains a bunch of stuff to my mom. (I'm too lazy if you actually want to know just look it up on youtube<3)
We finished dinner and Jaeden and I went back to my room. He put his shoes on and grabbed all of his school stuff. "Thank you Jaeden." I say hugging him. "What for?" He asks. "For being my first friend, for coming over, helping me with acting and math." I giggle. "In that case, it was my pleasure. And thank you for inviting me, I had a lot of fun." He says. I can't contain my butterflies at this point. We walk to my front door. "Hey, Jaeden?" I ask. "Yeah?" He asks. "I like this." I say. "What do you mean?" He asked. It was just him and I standing on my porch the door was obviously closed. "Me and you. We should hang out more." I say. "Yeah totally." He says smiling. We stand there awkwardly for a minute. "Well drive safe!" I say. "Thanks." He says and waves as he walks to his car. I wave. He turns around. I give him a strange stare. He walks over to me and kisses me. I put my hands behind his neck and he puts his around my waist. I walk back inside and go to my room. I just lay on my bed thinking about Jaeden.
Jaedens POV
OMG I can't believe I actually kissed her!!!
I mean she's like the girl of my dreams but still!
I can't wait to see har at school tomorrow.

~Next day~
Your POV
I wake up to my alarm as usual. I hop out of bed happily. I put my AirPod pros in and shower. When I get out I change into this outfit:

 When I get out I change into this outfit:

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(Idk if those are actually AirPod pros but I am too lazy to do extra research so just go with it)

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(Idk if those are actually AirPod pros but I am too lazy to do extra research so just go with it)

I text Jaeden
Me: hey! Can you come pick me up for school today?
Jae: yeah sure! Be there in 5
Me: thanks!😘
Jae: np bb!❤️
-end convo-
I get my lunch and a cereal bar and grab one for Jae too. I pack some snacks incase I get hungry during class.
Jae😍: I'm here!
Me: coming!✌🏻😋

I walk over to the door. "Bye momma!" I yell. "Need me to drive you to school?" My mom asks walking in. "No thanks! Jaeden is driving me." I say smiling. "Okay. Is he your boyfriend?" She asks. "I don't know..we kissed but I don't know if we're actually a thing." I say looking down. "Okay bye mom! Gotta go! Love you!" I say. "Bye!" She says and I shut the door.
I run out to his car. I wipe off my lipstick with a napkin in my lunch. "Why are you taking it off it looked great!" He says. "Because." I say. I pull his chin to look at me and I kiss him for a second then pull away. "Jae?" I ask. "Yeah?" He responds. "Are we a couple?" I ask still looking at the road. "I want to be..do you?" He asks. "Of course." I say.


I hold my arms out of the car and wave them in the wind.

"I love you Jaeden Martell!!" I yell in the wind.

We whoop and yell.

This is awesome!!

When we finally get to school I go straight to my locker and Jaeden goes to the bathroom.
Some girls stand by my locker talking to each other as I'm getting my books

"I heard they banged it after school" Mary alese says.
"Oh my god I heard that they did it in the bathroom!!" Lilianne says.
"Wait who?" Mya asks.
"Omg that new girl y/n and that hot boy Jaeden." Mary alese says. I shut my locker. They stare at me in awe. "What? You people think what you want but I am less than a slut than you guys soo.." I say and walk away. I go to class and roll my eyes. "Y/n! Come here please." Says my history teacher. "Yes?" I ask. "Since you are already ahead, they are doing a competition and the winner gets a super awesome prize! Trust me it's more than candy and stuff." She says. "Awesome! Sounds great." I say and smile. "Does my mom need to know?" I ask. "Or is it during school?" I ask. "Yes it's during school you will be skipping PE." She says. "Cool sounds fun!" I say.

For the rest of the day nothing really happens other than the usual dirty jokes at lunch and Jae and I texting each other when we're not in the same classrooms.

Ik the ending kinda sucked on this one but it's okay Bc I'm extremely tired.
Gn my loves💗😘

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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