Chapter 2: Introductions

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After falling I had stayed on the floor looking up at the off-white ceiling. Someone opened the door rather sharply jolting me upright as my head dizzied at the sudden movement. "Dearie get off the floor, you look utterly stupid." She chastised bustling over to me and pulling my arm harshly to get me to my feet. I mumbled a sarcastic apology under my breath before turning to look up at Genevive. "I think now is a good time to introduce you to the rest of the patients." She says rather too cheerily after I heard her shrieking moments ago.

"What happened a minute ago?" I ask as she leads me out into the corridor.

"Hmm? I don't know what you're talking about." She acts confused as she blankly stares ahead of her and leading me round a corner. A white flash took over my vision then and a stinging pain ran from where Genevives hand was securley wrapped round my arm up my neck and into my skull. I saw Genevive screaming and yelling pointing and throwing her arms around wildly though only high pitched wailing and muffled background noise was audible. The vision stopped in another sudden flash and the pain that came after shocked me slightly as I came back to reality. I turned to the blank faced woman in confusion. Ouch. What the hell was that? What just happened? "Don't do that." She snapped.

I studied Genevives face silently until she stopped at a double door. She turned to look at me then, her face stern. "You're going to come in here with me, you will speak only when you are spoke to or when I tell you it is fine to do so, clear?" She seems extremely annoyed but I don't know what I've done. I nod silently and she opens the door stepping in before me into the large room.

Before me were five teenagers, two boys and three girls, staring straight at me with unreadable expressions. The boy closest to me I recognised as the boy I saw in the corridor, he had dark brown hair that was pushed up out of his eyes in a dishevelled manner. His dark brown eyes showed me a history of unwanted pain and grief. His clean shaven face could make any girl fall to her knees as his looks and muscle build made him almost irresistable. Luckily i'm not any girl. He was seated on the floor leaning against an empty bed, his body facing the wall where the door resides. His knees are slightly bent upwards and he rests his elbows on the joints loosely while holding his hands together.

My eyes wondered past the boy to see a girl sitting on a bed which I presumed was hers. She had her hair pulled back into a tight braid, her eyes a muddy green as she looked me up and down, her eyebrows scrunched up in concentration. She was wearing a nightdress much like mine as she sat cross legged on the mattress. Her skin pale but beautiful and I felt captivated by her gaze.

I forced myself to break eye contact with the girl to see another girl sitting on her bed that was against the far wall. She had gorgeous chocolate brown skin and alluring hazel eyes. Her hair was a brown so dark it was almost black and she had it scrunched up on her head in a messy bun. She had her head tilted slightly to the side in curiosity.

I turned my head to the other side of the room to see two more people occupying beds and another one left without ownership. Maybe I'll be able to stay with these guys! Maybe they'll be able to have some idea about where we are! I felt my hopes rise and a small smile make its way onto my lips before dissapearing. But the bed could be occupied by someone who's not here right now, it does look a bit dishevelled. My hope instantly fell and my face neutralised once more.

I decided to examine the other two teenagers in the room. The one nearest to me was a boy with hair as black as night. The strands of darkness were mainly combed neatly to the right whilst some were combed down the left. His brown eyes were filled with excitement for a reason unknown to me. He can't be happy because I'm here, can he? His expression figuratively screamed that he had a bubbly personality. He was lying on his bed on his stomach facing everyone else in the room. I felt uncomfortable looking at a boy so expressionless as he looked at me with utter excitement.

I shifted my gaze sharply as to no longer look at the boy. On the bed next to him was an extremely pretty girl with brown hair that was free from any constraints. It shaped her face perfectly and she wore it with some of her hair falling in front of her shoulders. She had brown eyes that studied my expression with so much interest I immediately felt uneasy.

As I looked at everyone I noticed that all the girls were wearing similar nightgowns to me except each one was slightly different. The boys were wearing loose black tops with grey sweatpants. How come they get something that is actually comfortable? I felt a twinge of irratation at that fact but decided to ignore it as to not annoy my 'personal carer' any further.

"Dear, did you catch that?" Genevive asked me snapping me out of my daydream.

"No, ma'am I - I wasn't listening." I'm slightly puzzled myself how I managed to zone out so easily that I couldn't even hear her voice. She looks at me sternly for a moment and looks around the room again. Everyone seems to have found my lack of listening skills funny and they are chuckling quietly with each other. "Well then," Genevive huffs. "They can all just introduce themselves, I'm going to take my leave now." And with that she walked out, slamming the doors behind her.

I turn to the rest of the group again, without Genevive here I seem to have lost all confidence to speak, everyone was looking at me as if I were supposed to say something. You're supposed to be introducing yourselves. I say in my head silently willing someone to talk.

"Oh right," Giggles the coloured girl. "Im Tari. This," She points to the boy lying on his stomach, "is Tom." Tom smiles up at me from the bed and waves his hand. I return a small smile and shift on my feet.

"I'm Adam." Came a low voice, I turned to face the sound and found it came from the boy with the cleanly shaven face. "I'm Pippa, and that's Kate." The braided one pointed to the girl with wavy hair.

"What's your name?" Adam asked me, his eyes studying my face.

"Jessica." I mumbled. God, it feels like they're scrutinizing my every detail.

"We're not, don't worry, we just thought it was us in the ward." Tari blurted. I look at her shocked for a minute. Did she just hear my thoughts? "I can hear everything everyone's thinking." Tari explains.

"Uhm, I can make objects move, only small things right now, but I'm getting stronger." Pippa pipes up.

I look at all of them baffled. What the hell are they talking about? Tari looks at me confusedly before speaking, "Wait, you don't know why you're here?" I shook my head in disagreement.

"Are we trapped here? Have we been kidnapped?" I ask, I don't know how my voice has managed to say so calm compared to the screaming in my head.

"Oh no, they're helping us, sort of.. well, they think we're insane, or different if you like. So they lock us up in here." Tom explains further.

I feel like I'm going to throw up. "Locked up?" I breathe.

Pippa looks at me with pity in her eyes, "It's an Asylum."

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