20 Facts About Me

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Challenged by ThePokemonLover and saturnveil .
1. I love spicy foods! I don't know why, but I do, which leads me to
2. I hate Takis! They dry out my mouth whenever I eat them because there is way too much powder.
3. My favorite kind of candy is sour candy. My friends will bring me Warheads to challenge me at school. They'll put one in their mouth and I'll put five in mine. I always win.
4. I helped one kid from committing suicide I middle school.
5. I'm a very shy person. In the real world anyways. I absolutely hate having to perform or present to the class.
6. I'm a romantic. Yup, I'm into that sappy stuff. I'm that person squealing in the movie theater (not really XD). And me being shy, I can never really do those things in real life... Except one thing: I found two Bulbasaur plushies (this girls favorite Pokemon) and I sewed their front paws together. Then I tied a ribbon with tags that ha our names on them. Does anyone remember me writing about something similar?
7. I have sixteen real life friends! Whoop whoop! :D
8. I'm pretty decent at the violin.
9. I'm Hispanic. My mother was from Mexico.
10. I'm heterosexual. For some odd reason, all the popular guys at school think I'm gay. Maybe it's because I have two guy friends. IDK. At least they don't think I'm a threat to their relationship because I'm friends with their GFs! ^~^'
11. I'm absent minded, meaning I'm that person who will walk into a room and completely forget what I'm doing.
12. I'm considered a pretty boy. My friends want to see me in drag and considering I'm not planning on shaving my legs, that would be weird. Some teachers told me I'd be a beautiful young lady. Lots of guys at school flirt with me, thinking I'm a girl. A group of guys told me I was hot and if I wanted to go to his house later to 'bang'. They were so embarrassed when I finally got them to believe I'm a guy, which took like twenty minutes and a lot of people who know me. Yup, I've been in awfully awkward situations.
13. My luck number is 301.
14. My favorite Youtubers are Markiplier, PewdiePie, PBG, Jontron, Completionists, Yuriofwind, MunchingOrange, TheJwittz, DYKG an I think that's all of them...
15. I know all the rules to the Pokemon TCG, but have never played an actual game because my friends either don't know how to play or they aren't really in to Pokemon.
16. I really appreciate home made gifts, considering I give them. I received my first one in eighth grade from a close friend.
17. I'm really good at most arts (I'm looking at you painting. Y U B SO DIFFICULT!!!) I play violin, I draw, I sculpt, ect.
18. I'm an anti-druggie. I reduced one friend's alcohol and pot intake by half. (The fact that he's in love with me might have helped...)
19. I'm a loser at school that for some reason everyone knows and wants in their group so I can be their slave on projects. I'm an over achiever. Every detail counts.
20. I play Japanese dating simulator apps with my friend on another person's phone (we download them). They are hilarious! Anyone ever hear of Ninja Love+? We dated the monkey boy. He is such a weirdo. And kind of young to date considering your like twenty five and he wanted someone experienced (which you aren't). Lol. Little things don't make sense. You don't make very many choices until a few chapter have passed anyways.
That's all! I now challenge:
Trainer_Pixel_Red (more work for Goldy! :D)

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