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i really didn't think i'd update this again but here i am ! i decided not to do i sequel of this book since i'm not in this fandom anymore but i did want to leave you guys with this so here you go ... do with it what you will .... love you all <3


the bass boomed from outside of wyatt's apartment, jack gulped as he saw the shadows of his past self bounce from window to window, that building held a lot of memories. party after party, drink after drink, that's what he turned into after he and savannah had said goodbye.

he wasn't here to think about that though, and he pushed the thoughts of what he'd turned into aside. he wanted to say one last goodbye to his friends before he moved away, he'd be moving far away from here.

jack's mind whirled as he thought back to last year and what happened with him and savannah, he knew she wouldn't want to see him but he had to say one last goodbye. his heart pounded, ringing in his ears, taking away all of his senses and almost making him lose control. he needed to breathe.

he knocked on the door wondering if anyone could even hear it, the music from the party inside was pretty loud. jack wondered if he should just walk in, until the door in front of him revealed a very flushed savannah.

"jack?" she laughed slowly and raised her eyebrows "long time no see."

jack just smiled blankly at her, this isn't the reaction he'd expected from her. was she okay ? had she forgotten what he did ?

"baby who is it?" he heard wyatt call from the kitchen, some guests turned to look at the door, silent gasps and looks of shock as they realised who it was.

baby? jack's heart rate picked up again, wyatt and savannah were dating ? this was all too much, he felt like he would pass out any minute. despite it being night, the summer sun made jack's hair stick to the sweat on his forehead making him feel hotter than he was.

savannah must have sensed jack's confusion, she pulled him inside and walked with him to the kitchen, the guest's eyes followed their every move. wyatt's eyes widened with shock when he saw jack enter the room, dark pools of hurt forming in his eyes.

"wow jack, hey! wasn't expecting you man!" wyatt spoke with fake enthusiasm, jack could see straight through him.

"don't worry wyatt i'm not staying, i just wanted to say goodbye. i'm moving away to start a fresh" jack explained, he watched as his facial expression changed from hurt to confusion.

"i know i hurt you savannah and i'm still so sorry." jack continued, turning to face savannah "i can't stay in this city knowing what i did to you, i made you lose your best friend and ruined everything. i can see you're happy now and it's time for me to move on."

savannah blinked once, then twice, then shut her eyes completely like she was trying to escape a bad dream. she opened her eyes, a soft glare forming in them.

"are you saying, jack grazer...that you're running away? that you've not been over me this whole time?"

jack had never spoken those words out loud but he himself knew that savannah was right, he hadn't been over her since he has tried to say goodbye and he hadn't even tried to let go.

jack just nodded his head at her, moving his head to meet her eyes. they weren't angry anymore, just hurt. jack knew he fucked up last year and that's exactly why he needed one last chance at goodbye.

"i'm sorry jack, but i've moved on, you're a few months too late. you even said yourself you can see i'm happy with wy" she glances to wyatt at the side, eyes sparking and a smile spreading to her lips "i love you jack, but now my heart belongs to another. please jack, allow yours to be loved by another, even if it's just for me."

that's an offer jack could never refuse, he'd do anything for savannah.

"okay sav." he smiled looking down "i'll do it for you." a blush rose to his cheeks as savannah brought him into an embrace.

"not everything needs to be sad jack" savannah whispered, "you can let me go and still love me, just like i've let you go but i will always love you."

jack smiled and pulled away from the hug, waving goodbye to the two as he did so. he didn't utter another word as he lead himself out of the apartment, sav's words sinking to his soul. she was right, of course she was. jack had known all along that he could let her go but maybe, just maybe, it needed to come from one very special person.

he looked at the time on his phone

3am. perfect timing.


okay that's a wrap lol uhhh for real thank you guys so much :( you guys give me so much love on this fic every day it's so shocking to me that people still read it after like what? two years? :(

if u wanna follow my recent works and fics my ao3 is @ leleful and my twitter is @ 4mrkhyuck ! u guys can always ask any questions abt this fic on there <3

love you and thank you again

britt <3

3AM ~ jack dylan grazerWhere stories live. Discover now