the aftermath

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A/N: Listen, while everyone expects Regina to drink her coffee black, I feel like she would have a specific order that kind of reflects the inner child/playfulness nobody gets to see except for Henry and Emma - but that's just my opinion. Enjoy the chapter!

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Being spit out of a portal resulted in a brutal landing but nothing could dampen the women's mood now that they had finally arrived at their destination. The pair picked themselves off the ground, dusted off their clothes and shared an understanding look before they started the journey to the diner where the rest of the town was still gathered. A comfortable silence fell over them as they walked the path, both women too lost in thought to even have a conversation.

Surprisingly, no one paid them attention when they stepped into the diner. Regina had half expected people to crowd around the Saviour asking where she had been, but nobody did such thing, not even her parents. They were too busy swooning over their newborn. Still, Emma rushed towards them and Regina hurried towards their son, embracing him in a fierce hug when he had exited the booth to greet them. The mayor was actively filtering out the Charmings' happy reunion until something caught her attention.

'I'm fine. I'm home,' Emma said. Henry's head snapped up.

'Do you mean that you're not leaving?' Mary Margaret wondered cautiously.

'Yes, I'm not going anywhere,' the blonde breathed out.

'We're staying in Storybrooke?' Henry asked enthusiastically.

'Yeah kid, this is where we belong,' Emma affirmed as she pulled him closer, her eyes meeting brown ones belonging to the mayor. When Regina subtly quirked an eyebrow and smirked slightly, Emma knew she had made the right choice.

Regina took a seat in the booth and Henry followed after her as Mary Margaret sat on the opposite side of the table.

'Scoot,' Emma requested, motioning with her head that the twelve-year-old had to make some space for her.


'Don't argue with your mother,' Regina scolded.

Henry turned to her, another protest ready on his lips.

'Or your mother,' the brunette added pointedly.

Emma grinned at the interaction, having Regina on her side for once filled her with inexplicable joy.

'You can sit here if you want, Emma,' her mother invited, nodding to the empty spot beside her.

'Oh no, it's fine, Mum. I wouldn't want to disturb my baby brother,' the blonde replied cheerfully as she watched her son begrudgingly slide across the seat.

'Yet you have no problem disturbing your son,' Henry muttered.

'Because you're not a baby anymore,' Emma teased, sitting herself down in the limited space at her disposal and putting her arm around the back of the seat.

'Don't worry darling, you'll always be my little baby boy,' Regina assured and ruffled his hair for good measure.

'Mums,' the young boy groaned in embarrassment.

Emma's gaze turned to the mayor only to find two brown eyes already watching her. She shot her a broad smile and was rewarded with a serene look. The softness the mayor usually only reserved for Henry was starting to make its appearance around her as well, and Emma thought she could get used it. Too enthralled by each other, the mothers failed to notice how Mary Margaret was watching the uncharacteristically domestic scene in front of her with suspicion.

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