Anyone Else Awake?

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My eyes burned as the sun hit them. This doesn't feel right. I rolled over and checked my clock. It read 12:30. I blinked the sleep out of my eyes and looked again, the clock's numbers were flashing. I rolled over to the otherside of the bed and looked out the window. No cars. It was then I knew that something wasn't right. Even if my clock was broken I always woke up at 8:30 for school. There were always busses and cars. Even if it was Saturday.

I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen to see what my dad had made for breakfast. When I rounded the corner the kitchen was dark with nothing simmering on the stove. I didn't think anything of this because my dad often took sick days because of his sickness. I walked over to my couch and turned on the TV. Nothing, static. I tried changing the channel. More static. I stood up, what use was it watching tv? I headed to my parents room, they were asleep, and their clock was also flashing.

"Mom? Dad?" I shook them gently. "Mom? Dad?" I shook them harder. They weren't waking up. "MOM! DAD!" I threw off their covers to see if they were breathing. I waited a second and sure enough, they were still breathing.

I gave up trying to get them up and ran to my twin sister's room. "Amanda, Alex! Mom and Dad won't wake up! I slammed the door open. Normally, a sound like that would have woken them up but they stayed asleep. I checked their breathing. They were breathing as well. But they weren't waking up.

I went back to my room in a daze. What is happening? I reached for my phone to call my best friend/neighbor, Lauren. She didn't pick up. I called again and again, still nothing. I was scared so I ran over to her house. Luckily I knew where the spare key was. All the times we snuck out were really coming in handy now. I unlocked the door and sprinted up to her room and slammed open her door. Lauren was a light sleeper so that should have woken her up.

"Lauren, no one in my house will wake up. The TV is static. I have no idea what time it is because all the clocks are glitching out and," something caught my eye. Lauren's digital clock she has had since she was ten. It was blinking. I felt myself scramble for air as I turned towards her bed. She was asleep. Dead asleep.

I checked her parents room. Asleep. Her brother, asleep. I looked around, all the clocks were blinking.

I screamed.

I sunk to the floor in her room and started sobbing. I was so scared. After crying for quite a bit I decided to go back home and see if i could find anything. Grabbing my backpack I dumped all of its contents on my bed and reached for my laptop. I powered it on and went to Twitter. After scrolling for quite a bit I came across a post with a timestamp from this morning.

"Is anyone else awake?"

It had three comments.

Slowly I clicked open the post and read the comments.

BadBoiDivvv74: Is anyone else awake?

Aricat_4: I'm awake. But my family and my neighbors aren't.

DAMANBLAKE:Same bro. Even my dog won't wake up.

Sabrina_Rose: I'm scared guys. No one is waking up no matter what I do.

After rereading the comments I decided to add on.

Gracefil04: No one I know is waking up either. What are we supposed to do?

I set down my computer and flopped on my bed. Waiting for a response. After around five minutes, my computer binged.

Someone responded to my comment!

BadBoiDivvv74: I have no clue. I'm David BTWs.

So, I continued the conversation.

Gracefil04: Hello David. I'm Grace. I live in Chicago. Where do you live? Maybe we could meet and try and figure out what to do? Actually, where do all yall live?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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