33 11 33

"Urhm... This is..."

Then it hit me!

I don't know his name!

Sweat started pooling on my forehead and I became nervous because not only did Andy meet us at a very implicating situation where I'm openly hugging someone of the opposite sex, I don't know the name of this opposite sex who I just hugged.

"I'm Derrick Osunde. Nice to meet you, and you are?" The guy said.

So, that's his name?


"I'm Andy Tunde, elder brother to the little girl you were hugging a few minutes ago. Who are you to her?" My brother interrogated with a look of disgust and my tongue felt stuck.

"For starters, Audrey Is not a little girl and I attend the same school as her. Its surprising how you're trying to act like a protective elder brother when you can't even protect her from the toxic air of your home where your father spill hurtful words and damage her self esteem in the process. I decided to take her  out for a walk to clear her mind even if its just a while away from the bad energy that radiates out of your drunk father!" Derrick Spat and I gasped. My eyes bulged out and I could almost see my brother's face turn red as he gave Derrick the most deathly glare I've ever seen as he pointed a finger and Said.

"You! Stay away from my sister!!!" He spat as he gripped my wrist and dragged me off to our house.

Derrick seemed unfazed.

When we stepped into our compound and he sighted the black car and four other guys in a conversation with Tomiwa as they goofed around, He asked.

"Who owns that car?"

"De..  Der... Derrick" I stammered

"Hmmm..." He seemed to be in a brief thought before he dragged me into the house and yelled

"Audrey! He is a bad influence and you are so...  Vulnerable"

My heartbeat quickened as I flinched at his tone and tears pooled at the corner of my eyes.

Everyone is just angry at me today and I'm slowly getting tired of being yelled at.

Where my voice came from?
I had no idea as I said.

"You don't even know him!" I Defended

"Oh! Yes, I do. He is Derrick Osunde! Pretty popular on social media and someone who is called a Malaysian Burger!" Andy hissed

"What's a Malaysian burger?" I asked, confused. I know Malaysia is a place but I don't know if its a state or a country.

"Well, let me break it down for you. Derrick is a bad boy and not someone you should get involved with! He is a self-made millionaire at just 19 and God knows how he made so much money in Malaysia within a year! Probably some sort of ritual..." Andy said, his voice a bit more collected.

"If he is a self made millionaire at just 19 how does that make him a bad boy? I think that is pretty impressive, says of him as a hardworker  " I thought out loud, totally confused and curious.

Andy took a deep breath with closed eyes and then exhaled with his eyes open, staring at me.

"What business can a 19 year old boy get into and succeed in within a year? Also, he had to travel all the way to Malaysia to do just that?" Andy asked and I just stared back at him because I could not come up with an answer.

"Exactly! You can't think of one. I suspect he went into internet fraud and drug dealings. You shouldn't hang out with those kind of people!"he instructed.

"But, I like hanging out with him. He is someone who I've actually had a good socializing experience with and I don't care if you think he is a bad boy. He is good to me and except you have an evidence to prove that Derrick is indeed a bad influence on me, I would still hang out with him." I said with finality and that somewhat gave me relief.

"You call hugging him a good socializing experience? Audrey! We don't know the mystery behind his wealth! He definitely doesn't emit a good aura"Andy said with a horrified look on his face.

"He emits a pretty good aura to me" I huffed,looking everywhere else but him.

"What has he done to you?" Andy asked, looking disturbed.

"Nothing. I just had a walk and a talk with a guy for the first time in my life and I really enjoyed it. Something different from what I'm used to." I explained.

"But you've walked with guys before like me, Jacob and Nedu" he listed with his fingers.

"Exactly, those are our relatives and you're my brother. I don't have a social life outside our family." I explained

"What about the social life you have with your books?" He asked with a furrowed eyebrow and I gave a disapproving look. So, he added.

"Okay, fine! Books ain't exactly how you have a social life but you can have a social life with other people except Derrick!" He admonished.

"So, I can be friends with Tomiwa now?" I asked with my lips smooched together and my brows arched, in a way that says 'alright! Say something now'

"No! Not Tomiwa, Tomiwa is a really negative influence, not worthy to be your friend!" He said rather authoratively.

"Are you hungry? I made yam and vegetable sauce." I asked, in other to end this discussion. It would head no where.

You can never win an argument with Andy.

"Please, I could really use the energy it would supply my body" he replied and I headed for the kitchen to dish out his meal.

Having served him, I took out a book on  'Genetics' that I got from the school's library and let my mind dive into a world of chromosomes and genetic disorders.

My mother arrived later in the evening and I did not know when Derrick left either.

Having served my mother with a meal, I dove back in to my studies. I heard my father's husky voice yell heavens and rain cusses. I was happy to have a room of my own and a perfect place of hiding my cursed form from his presence.

The next morning, I took my bath and made preparations for school. By 6:30am, I already left the house and began my walk to school, before 7:30am I should already be in school.

And that was how my morning went with a noisy class and an unpassionate teacher.

During Recess, I went to the library since I did not have money to buy something from the school canteen and I wasn't opportuned to make a meal that I would bring to school.

I had just Tea for breakfast and my belly is already telling me it was a horrible choice with the tiny grumbling sound it was making.

"Seems someone is hungry... I knew I would find you here" a cheery voice said and I knew who this female was...

Can anyone guess who the cheery voice might be?

Perhaps you feel you can predict who the character is ?

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Peace Out✌🏾

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