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Annabeth POV

Today I got transferred to Greek Mythology. It's been a month since school started and today was the day I met Percy.( just to give you a sense of the time ). I was walking towards Greek Mythology with Piper because she got transferred too. We were taking Spanish and we didn't like it so we asked if we could be transferred to Greek Mythology and Principal Zeus said yes. I opened the door and guess who I saw.


Ugh seriously. Now he's in three of my classes and I have to meet him for that stupid project too. I really hope I don't have to spend any more time with him. I told Mr. Brunner or Chiron my name and he told me to sit next to Jason, Piper's crush. I sat next to him and Piper sat next to Percy. Chiron was teaching the whole class so we didn't get to talk to anybody but he promised us tomorrow that we will have some free time to talk to people around us. Wow. I already like this teacher.

----------------------TIME SKIP-------------------------------

Finally all my classes are over. I walk over to musical tryouts. First was the girl tryouts. The boys had to wait outside in the waiting room. Only the musical cast finds out the story of the musical so first you have to make it. Everybody else in my friend group was working backstage. Kate, Piper, and Silena were on costumes. Beckendorf was on building sets. Clarisse was on making props while Chris was managing all the paperwork. Frank was making props with Clarisse while Hazel was working lights.

I was sitting next to Piper waiting for my name to come. Piper was auditioning too. Her name was called and she went up. She sang speechless from Aladdin. Even though it wasn't originally there, Mr. Apollo said it was fine. She sang so beautifully. Then everybody clapped for her. She came back and asked me if she sang well and I told her she was AMAZING. Then I heard my name being called by Mr. Apollo and I went to the stage. Mr. Apollo told us to sing a piece of a disney musical song for tryouts so I sang Belle, the first song in beauty and the beast. I finished it and all the girls clapped. Piper told me that I was AMAZING and she kept ranting about how I will make the lead. After me a few more girls auditioned and then Mr. Apollo told the girls to go to the waiting room. He told us to call the boys in. I walked out and guess who I saw in the waiting room.


Why is this dude everywhere I go? I know this may be selfish but I really don't want him to make the musical. He won't give his full attention to the musical and what if because of him, the musical will be ruined. Okay I know I am exaggerating but I really don't want him to make it. He probably won't make it anyways because another one of my friends, Rachel, told me he has a bad voice.

Percy Jackson POV

I was in the waiting room when the girls came in. I see Annabeth there as I expected. The only other time I sang in front of people that weren't in my close group of friends was at a party at my friend Rachel's house. That day I purposefully sang really bad so no one would hear my actual voice. Now I have to sing my best because my Jason is here and he'll tell my mom if I don't try my best. UGHHH. Jason and my mom team up a lot and it is so ANNOYING. Jason is the only one trying out with me and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he made the lead. He has a really good voice which I am pretty sure is better than mine though he says mine is better. Everybody else is going to work backstage. I was going to do that too but my mom specifically said to try out for the cast. Leo was building the sets. The Stolls were painting the sets. Will was managing and Nico (after Will forced him to) was doing the lights.

I walked inside and was waiting for my name to be called. Jason's name was called and he sang a whole new world from aladdin. Somebody else sang the girl part. Okay now I am pretty sure he will make the lead. He sang really well. Then I heard my name being called. I went and sang the circle of life from the Lion King. I wanted to sing Under the Sea but my mom and Jason said it was too childish. Come on people. It's the best song ever. My mom and Jason team up against me waay too much. Anyways after a few more auditions Mr. Apollo told us to go. He recorded each of us singing so he can always see our auditions to assign each of us a role. He said we can see the cast tomorrow and he told us all we can leave.

After I ran to swim tryouts. I quickly changed and said hi to Coach Triton. He made me do 75 push ups for being late and he didn't even let me explain. Ughhh. I'll talk to him later. He told us to swim a few laps and he'll see who is the fastest. As usual I was the fastest. Jason wanted to spend all his time with the musical and focus on his studies this year so he wasn't trying out for any sports. Even though I have a lot on my plate I love swimming and it's the only thing that makes me feel calm so I am somehow going to manage swimming and the play. Coach made us do some more exercises and then he told us to go change. After we all came out he told us that he will tell us who is captain and who made the team tomorrow. With that we all went home. 

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