1.Where it started

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𝚓𝚊𝚗𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝟻𝚝𝚑 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟶
𝟿:𝟶𝟶 𝚙𝚖
The music was boosted everyone dancing around. the room was filled with smells of weed and vodka. All in all drinks everyone seemed to be having a good time. You were talking to your best friend jasmine.

Jasmine: "pretty sure he's gay"

You: "I don't think so."

Jasmine: "Wanna bet on it"

You: "He's dating that deja girl"

Jasmine: "No he lied about that"

You: "then how did he get her nudes?"

Jasmine: "Okay he faked being straight to get nudes of her and pass it around come on."

You: "Is deja even at this party"

Jasmine: "Nah don't think she would show her face here. Did you hear all those rumors."

You: "kinda feel bad for her but she's lowkey a hoe"

Jasmine:"Geez hope-"

You hear screams coming from outside you guys jump out of your seats and run outside. There in the pool you saw deja floating in the pool blood all around her someone jumped in the pool to check it she was alive and it turned out she wasn't."

Kairi: "NO SHIT"

Police and ambulance  start swarming around the place


You all ran outside to the front you stood there. The cops checked you all out and asked you to go home and that's what you did.

The town of koylien news spread quickly about the death of deja they had no suspects nothing at all it had been 1 week since her death. In class the clock was ticking then you saw a bunch of cops come inside

Cop: Mrs.cooper we would like to speak to Ms.Seriona.

Everyone in the class started whispering and looking at you. 

Mrs.cooper: "Hope please go with them"

Shit you said to yourself and got up they took you to this room where you had to sit in a chair threw the window you saw some kids from your school you also saw jasmine They were just looking at you. They could hear you.

Cop: Did you have any motive against deja

You: no..

Cop: do you know anyone who did

You looked up to the kids in your school then you looked at jasmine

You: no.

Cop:...hope is there something you aren't telling us.

You: told you everything I know

Cop:...alright let's go

They take you all to a room where you sat down in chairs some of the boys were looking at you but not in a very nice way.

Cop: you were all questioned because....you all have a part in deja's murder.

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