4. "ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴇᴀɴ ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ."

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During his sixth period, Iwaizumi realized something.

It was something that he subtly picked up on over the past few days since his tutoring session with Oikawa, but now he realized it was true.

The usual list of lies on his left forearm was gradually getting shorter by the day.

He didn't know if it was a good or bad thing. I mean I'm glad my soulmate's calming down with the lying, but it feels wrong.

Actually, he didn't know how he should feel about it. His soulmate lying less —good? bad? Still, no matter how short the list was getting, a few lies caught his attention and concern.

"You mean nothing to me."

He didn't know who it was directed to, but since it was a lie, that person obviously means something to his soulmate.

Iwaizumi bit his lip. But who?

More importantly, would he be able to find his soulmate? He's heard stories about couples who eventually found each other, but those stories only worked out because the two already knew each other.

The lies on his wrist didn't give him many hints. All he could speculate was that his soulmate was going through some stuff.

And he wanted to be there for the one destined for him. Iwaizumi knows how it feels to be lied to, thrown aside like he wasn't worth anything. That's why he wants to help.

But he can't help until he finds out who his soulmate is.

He peered down on the lies again, reading each line carefully to see if he can find any information.

A particular sentence caught his eye.

"That chemistry test was so easy!"

His lips turned slightly upwards as he was reminded of his session with Oikawa. But also because this was a clue.

If his soulmate was taking chemistry, then chances are, they're in high school.

What if he goes to my school?

He shook his head, trying to clear the thought away. If he wanted to find his future lover, then he would have to think bigger, open his eyes a little wider.

"Iwaizumi-san, are you alright?" asked a voice.

He looked up and met a pair of dark blue eyes. A slender boy with ink curls stood in front of his desk, an onigiri in one hand.

And, Iwaizumi stared at the exposed pale skin of Akaashi's forearm, no lies.

It wasn't strange for people to have blank arms, but Iwaizumi always found it a little weird. Maybe it's because his soulmate lies so much.

"I'm fine," he answered. Akaashi pulled out a chair and sat down in front of him.

"You were staring at your wrists pretty intently," said the curly-haired boy. "Is it your soulmate?"

His head snapped up. "How'd you know?"

"I can't think of any other reason why someone would be staring at their wrists so seriously." Akaashi answered.

Iwaizumi sighed. "Right."

Akaashi unwrapped his onigiri and took a small bite. "Is your soulmate okay?"

He exhaled deeply. "I wish I knew."

"Let me see your wrist."

Iwaizumi obliged and put his left wrist on the table, exposing the list of lies on his skin.

The curly-haired boy let out a low whistle as he studied the words. His snack was left half-eaten and forgotten on the desk.

"I've never seen so many lies on someone's skin before," mumbled Akaashi. He ran a finger over them, as if making sure Iwaizumi didn't write them himself.

Akaashi's touch was cold and made him flinch. He almost wanted to tell the blue-eyed boy that it was considerably short compared to usual, but the words were lost in his mouth when he noticed a brunette standing in the doorway of the classroom.

"Do you think they go to our school?" asked the curly-haired boy.

His attention immediately snapped back to Akaashi. "Do you think so?" He asked, excitedly.

"Maybe," answered the boy. "We just had a chemistry test, but that could be a coincidence."

His excitement fell a little when he heard those words. But Akaashi was right; most high schoolers would have to take chemistry, and tests could occur at any time. Still, was it only a chance that they had a test in the same subject at the same time?

But maybe Iwaizumi was only getting his hopes up. To find his soulmate, the one meant for him, in his high school years would be a miracle, if not, nearly impossible.

He sighed and pulled his left arm back to his side. "Thanks anyway, Akaashi. I appreciate it."

The curly-haired boy shrugged. "I didn't do anything, but let me know if you ever need someone to talk to. Soulmates are a fickle thing." He stood up to leave, but first waved goodbye to Iwaizumi.

He put his hand up halfheartedly. Another hand suddenly caught his.

Iwaizumi stared up at the owner. Chocolate eyes stared back, a smile growing on the brunette's lips.

"If you wanted to hold my hand, you could've just told me, Iwa-chan." said a sly voice.

Oikawa grinned down on him, still holding on tightly to his hand.

Iwaizumi was about to pull away and fireback some retort, when he noticed the dark bags under the brunette's eyes. There was also a blue-purple bruise on his temple that was poorly covered up by foundation.

Immediately he felt a rush of concern. He quickly stood up and gripped Oikawa's cheek.

"Are you alright?" He asked, worriedly.

There was a look of surprise on Oikawa's face, and he could've sworn he saw tears in those chocolate eyes, but they quickly disappeared as fast as they appeared.

The brunette pulled away from him, laughing. But it wasn't a humorous laugh. If anything, it sounded nervous.

"Do I look that bad, Iwa-chan?" Oikawa giggled. He discreetly brushed a hand through his hair, obscuring the bruise on his temple.

"No, it's not that," Iwaizumi said. "But that bruise, it looks bad."

Oikawa waved him off and smiled. "Don't worry about it."

Iwaizumi's brows furrowed. The brunette was obviously avoiding his questions. He opened his mouth to ask again, but Oikawa quickly grabbed his arm.

"Want to go to the snack bar with me? I didn't eat lunch today."

He stared at Oikawa, carefully watching the male's face. The bright smile was unwavering and almost made him believe that the brunette was okay. But then he saw how sunken in Oikawa's eyes were, like he didn't sleep at all. And he noticed how the boy seemed thinner, too. And that bruise.

It was unmistakable that the bruise was caused by someone else.

"Yeah. Let's go," he answered.

Iwaizumi knows all too well about bruising caused by others. He knows what's it like to be beaten up and abused.

Of course, he couldn't say that was what Oikawa was going through. He hardly knew the brunette since they had just met recently.

However, that doesn't matter to him.

Perhaps finding his soulmate would have to wait a little. First he wanted to help those who were right there with him.

"Come on. I'll buy you some food," Iwaizumi said.

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