Why Me?!!

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Harry's POV

I was at the weasleys fo protect my cousin and my aunt petunia and uncle vernon. Even though they were terrible to me, they didn't need to die for a world they want nothing to do with. Ron and I are playing wizard chess in the living room, Hermione reading a book beside us. Molly enters the room and smiles at us. "Dears, Dumbledore is here with shocking news, and he needs you three in the room with us." She said with a worried look. We all got up and entered the kitchen where Dumbledore is sitting beside sirus, and lupin. Snape was standing behind in a corner waiting for the news. I sat down beside sirus and across from ron, waiting until everyone got in the kitchen. Once everyone was in the kitchen, Dumbledore stood up and began. "I have called this meeting because we have found very shocking news that I don't think any of you will like. We have recently dug into Voldemort's past and it seems that Voldemort has a family. Years ago he had a daughter, sally jackson is her name." He got interrupted by snape who seemed shocked by that. "Sally? That sweet little girl was his daughter? How could someone so sweet be born from someone so vile?" Snape said with disbelief laced into his voice. "I know, its shocking, but its true. And we jave also found out that sally has a 17 year old son by the name of perseus jackson, who somehow can't stay in one school for too long." Dumbledore explained. "That's not fair! How come he gets to have a family but kills mine!!? How come they get to live while mine died!!? Why are we only finding out about this now?!" I ranted, completely enraged by this. Dumbledore shook his head.  "We only found out about it recently, we didn't know that it was little sally who was his daughter. Harry, sally was lily's very best friend besides severus, and ths three of them did everything together. We don't know how lily's death affected sally, but sally ran away to america and met whoever is perseus-" suddenly a female voice cuts in. "I wouldn't continously say Mr. Jackson's name like that if I were you. Don't want to attract unwanted attention from monsters outside." We all turned amd saw a woman who was dressed in royal purple robes, and had a magic feel towards her. "Excuse me, Miss, but this is a private meeting for the order of the Phoenix only, I am going to have to ask you to-" she cuts him off again. "Leave? Oh but I come with information on Mr. Jackson." This got every one's attention as we all waited for her to continue. "Thank you, now, unless you want monsters around, you will have to call Mr. Jackson by his preferred name, percy. Second, I suggest not getting him angry, you will want Mr. Jackson as ally more than your enemy.  Third and lastly, he will be attending hogwarts with three others, his girlfriend aqua afton, and his cousins, thalia, and nico. You will have to pick them up though, in the morning that is, right now they are in a huge fight. It should be over here in a few hours, give or take." The lady said with a mysterious smile and twinkle in her eye. "How huge a fight are they in, we can try to help them." Dumbledore suggests. "No, this fight is on their own. You cannot help them, the monsters they are facing are immune to your spells. You may go get them in the morning, until then, rest." She said and then disappeared in purple smoke. What a day....

grandson of evil? I don't think so. (harry potter x percy jackson crossover) Where stories live. Discover now