"The new girl" chapter one

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Autumn woke up to the light of sunlight.It was Monday morning one of the worsts days of the week.She got got up and got ready to go to school."Autumn you ready??"Autumn sister asked autumn."yes I'm going hold up a sec."Autumn yelled.Autumn was driving to school with her sister Anna,Anna was in college so she could go drop off Autumn to school."bye Autumn!"Anna drove off."bye Ann"

autumn walked towards school.As she was walking towards school she met her best friends Callisa,and Lilo."hey did you hear that they may be a new girl in school." Lilo told Autumn as they where walking towards school."ohh really that's cool but hopefully she doesn't take over the world."Autumn rolled her eyes."come on Autumn why do you always say that when someone new comes in school??"Callisa asked autumn."ok fine calli if I jinx give me 10 bucks."Autumn said."haha no your crazy autumn less like 2 bucks."Calli said."fine at least it's something."

As they where walking through the hallways Autumn met her eyes with Jaeden . His eyes where so gorgeous and with the morning sun hitting his eyes his eyes."hey babe."Jaeden said."hey." Lilo and Calli left becouse they knew that they where going to walk to the class together so they left. Autumn and Jaeden where holding hands one there way to class
"Y'all seem so lovely"Finn winked.Finn was autumns cousin more like his best friend."shut up finn." Jaeden laughed "see you later old grandpa's."jack joined in the conversation."ohh shut up jack."autumn said. "I mean jack is saying the truth."Wyatt smiled.
"Really you too??"Autumn asked."I'm friends with little kids.sofia said "yes I can tell sof" autumn laughed.

"GOOD MORNING class today we have a new student her name is Heather." The teacher welcomed in heather.Heather had sparkling hazel eyes with brown hair and her tips where blonde. All the boys looked over and smiled.Autumn turned around to look at calli and she said "where's my 2 bucks??" "Wait we got to find out." Calli said.

Class ended and all I could hear from the boys was "Ohh my gosh have you seen the new girl she is so pretty." Lilia even asked her to come to sit next to them in lunch Lilia is popular and has even dated Jaeden so of course Heather has to sit with them be she was"pretty"Finn came over and said "party at my house in Friday we need to welcome the cute girl to the school." Autumn rolled her eyes.Jaeden caught up to Autumn and said" hey you coming to Finns part?" "Yes I think I'll be their." Autumn said."cool then I'll be their too"Jaeden smiled and kissed autumns forehead "Awwe y'all are so cute lilo" said. Autumn laughed and said "I swear love him with all my heart."

Autumn asked her parents if she could go to Finns party "no autumn plus you have too clean your room and you haven't cleaned it yet you even failed math autumn so no you can't go." Autumns mom said."Fine."autumn answered back.

Jaebear 🧸💕🥺

sᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ ᴛᴏ ᴍʏ ᴀᴜᴛᴜᴍɴ🍂
Hey babe I won't be able to go to Finns party my parents didn't let me.

Ohh bby it's ok I won't go then.

sᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ ᴛᴏ ᴍʏ ᴀᴜᴛᴜᴍɴ🍂
You don't have too

Nooo if you dont go then i wont go either.

sᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ ᴛᴏ ᴍʏ ᴀᴜᴛᴜᴍɴ🍂
Awwe bby what did I do to deserve you

Nothing,bc you deserved me.

sᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ ᴛᴏ ᴍʏ ᴀᴜᴛᴜᴍɴ🍂
I love you jae

I love you more 💞


sᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ ᴛᴏ ᴍʏ ᴀᴜᴛᴜᴍɴ🍂
Ft?? You know bc we aren't at the partying I'm bored

can't I'm with my parents

sᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ ᴛᴏ ᴍʏ ᴀᴜᴛᴜᴍɴ 🍂
Ohh ok dont worry


"Hey Autumn I know you cant come but can you come like rlly quick please look whats going on at the party." Calli said
"Ok I'll be right there"Autumn left the call and got ready to go."

"Hey mom I'm going to pick up some school work at callis house."Autumn said. " ok autumn just come back and text me if something happens." Autumns mom said.
"Fine bye mom i love you." autumn left the house.

As autumn entered the door she couldn't believe what she saw...

Hi loves this was a long story but please stay till next comment what you think autumn saw and please share this story and vote 💞

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