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london woke up and checks the time ~6:54pm~, she got out the of bed, took a shower and got dressed..

london woke up and checks the time ~6:54pm~, she got out the of bed, took a shower and got dressed

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(this is outfit)

she took out her phone and saw

5 missed calls from nick🥵
2 messages from nick🥵
3 missed snaps from nick🥵

10 missed calls from mom🥰
7 messages from mom🥰

8 missed calls from dad💓
5 messages from dad💓

4 missed calls from joshy💙
10 messages from joshy

london went on avani first..


london please answer me
london please
nick is really upset
he said he's really sorry
please come speak to me


london! your ok?!

yes i'm fine

london come on, he's really upset..

well he should know how i feel

bby, please just come speak to him..

ugh fine.

thank you.

end of message

london walks downstairs and sees everyone crowded around someone..

avani: hey, hey, hey.. it's gonna be ok..

anthony: hey, it's alright bud.

london: well.

they all turn around and london sees nick sitting there, his eyes were really puffy and had blood shot eyes..

nick: london..

london: *sits down next to him* *sighs

nick: please let me explain..

london: ok...

nick: that wasn't my fault, dixie came onto me and i tried to push her off but she gripped harder, i know your not gonna believe me 𝘯𝘰𝘸 but i would never do that to you, please let me take you on another date..

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