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"Your eyes...they told me of a world they had never seen. The gazing eyes are so colorful, you taught me that some day the sadness will wind us together."

Jeon Jungkook...he was a boy who tried to lift his whole world on his shoulders, but a time came when he needed help

Jeon Jungkook, Taekwondo Black Belt, School Topper... but he lost the most important match of his life and it was like he had been carrying the weight of the sky but he couldn't anymore, he started to fall apart. That was all it took to pull him away from his life and make him lose the path that was once so clear, but to lose your path is the best way to find your path. So he started to tread differently, far from the spotlight those around him put on him and towards solitude and self discovery. They didn't see him for years until he found himself.

Meanwhile, he saw the beauty of the world through the eyes of a blind girl.

'To be loved, to love someone, I'll become your eyes for the adventure that lays ahead.'

The place you showed me is where my heart entrusts.

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