Chapter 1

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The beginning of Sage's story.

On the 25th of April a baby girl was born to a young couple in the middle of the woods, they did not plan this for this child but the fates did.

3 hours early...


In the village of Fysi Villa, was a small community of forest nymphs yet small but powerful. The couple was in their small village in the middle of the woods, surrounded by their family and friends. That night they decided to celebrate the birth of a new forest nymph.

But that night disasters struck in the centre of the village. 

The villages felt a dark and uneasy magic in their village and they became frightened at the power this dark entity held. It felt that they were trapped.

Suddenly dark Creatures torched their entering village down to dust and Ash. The Elders knew what they had to do, they fought with every ounce of their power left.

The entire village knew the child would be more powerful then them and they had to protect that at all costs. 

The village came together and fought so the young couple could escape so they could have their child some where else.
The father of the child quickly grabbed the emergency kit from the wooden structure.
The couple ran as fast as they could away from the village and the heard the screams of them all fading as they ran. 

The couple felt guilty for leaving their family but they knew what must be done.

Present time

"Our child can't be apart of this, it's too dangerous" The young blonde woman said while holding her crying child. Tears falling from her eyes, knowing this might possibly be the last time she holds her daughter. 

"We have to keep moving they know that we escaped, they will come after us" A young blonde man said while looking at his innocent daughter. He was a sensible man, a smart man but he could not think of another way he could save his daughter. 

The couple look at each other and knew they had to keep moving as they felt the dark energy follow them.

Hours later they finally made it to a small town called Beacon Hills. 

The woman was exhausted from running and carrying her baby daughter in her arms. They both sat down on the ground next to the Beacon Hills sign. Their feet aching and hearts pounding like a band members drum.

"Our Child can not be apart of this life yet, we have to do what it right for our daughter" He spoke breaking their silence.

The mother stared into her husbands eyes knowing what he said was true. " I can't,  she is my child, Our child." the mother resorted knowing that she had to give up her child broke her into so many pieces but she knew it was for the best. 

She stared into her child's eye while sorting the thin cloth around her. Tears yet again falling from her eyes, the pain she feels leaving her daughter, to save her. 

But she knew she could not allow her daughter to suffer the same fate, she had to give her a daughter a chance. 

" She will know one day, of us. Of our people. Of what she is destined for" The man spoke, admiring his child, hoping to at least get a small peak at her eyes once more. 

"Give me the pen and paper inside the emergency kit" the mother quietly spoke.
He nodded and handed her the thin piece of paper and pen.

"Sage will be her name" the father replied knowing what his wife was doing. She nodded trying not to cry because what they are about to do.

The mother wrote a letter saying

Dear Sage,
                   I love you my darling, I always will love you not matter what happens, remember that. Do not ever give up on what you believe in. Magic is real and I will find you one day, I promise. My dear darling Sage I will never forgot you I am sorry that I must do this but I have not choice. Me and your father have agreed this will be the safest place for you. We will come back for you.
   We love you, we always will

                                       Love Mama & Papa

The woman cried as she wrote a goodbye letter to her child, but she knew in her heart that they will meet again one day and she would do what needed to be done to find her daughter again. Her tears falling on the page meant for her daughter.

"Come on, my dear" the man said while comforting his sadden wife. But he understood what must be done for their child. They both stood up and being walking further into beacon hills

They walked for ten minutes until the wife notice a small white house at the entrance of the town, it was close to the town but further than any other surrounded by the forest.

"There" the mother pointed to the house. 

The man nodded his head knowing she chose the house. They felt warmth and comfort everything they wanted for there daughter. 

They slowly walked up to the house and saw an old couple sitting together in front of the fire. Both focusing on different things. The old woman on her book while her husband entranced in the football on the tv.

 She walked to the front of the house and laid her child on the floor. 

 She took one last glance at her child and bent down to place the letter. Then she looked into her child's eyes and saw how bright they were. 

She placed a kiss on her child's forehead. The father also bent down to kiss the head of his child.

" I love you, and you are never alone, my child". 

They stood up and looked down once more at their beautiful daughter. 

"Ready" the father sadly said.

 "Ready" the mother replied.

 "Goodbye my child" the last words the mother said to her child. 

She knocked at the door and they both ran into the woods. 

They stood in the forest watching their daughter being taking in by the couple. And they shed their tears but they knew it was for the best. They ran as fast as they could so they could draw the beasts away from their child.


Sorry I have been away for so long, I'm currently going through the chapters as I have realised how bad the writing is lol.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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