Bernice X Fem!reader

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So I was reading someone's tiktok Mafia book the other night and their Bernice one was really good so I am going to do my own one with the same stuff

Here is the person :)


I was walking home from the local library alone, it was peaceful...almost too peaceful but I didn't mind, that is the way I like it.

Hardly anybody people around, no one to interfere with my thoughts, to look at me weirdly.

I have always liked the quiet and this night was no different..well...that is before I heard men screaming down an alleyway in front of me.

I stop dead in my tracks
"If those are Mafia guys which they probably are, I am either going to get beaten or..I will get beaten.
But I have to pass there or I will have to take the long way home and I will be late for dinner and Mum will get worried...fuck it, I should be fine... hopefully.." I say in my head.

I begin to start walking again, eyes straight ahead on me, trying to ignore the screams from the left of me but then
"Ooo, pretty lady, where you going?~"
"FUCK" I ignore him
"Hey! I was talking to you!" The same on says before I felt someone grab my arm harshly and make me look at them.

There were three men, all about 6 foot and above, definitely worked out alot, all had brown hair and brown eyes.

I always remember how people look just incase something does happen and I have to tell police what they looked like, this is New York for you.

I then realised that I spaced out and they were talking to me
"Didn't you hear me?!" I flinch at his tone
"N-No, Mister" I stutter out.

It was silent for about 5 seconds then I felt a sharp pain in my right cheek, I fell to the ground holding my face.

Part of me wanted me to get up and run and the other part of me wanted to punch the guy but both ideas would more then likely get me killed
"Let's teach this girly some manners, boys" The guy who slapped me says, all I can do is close my eyes and hope that I get out of this alive.

*Bernice's POV*

I was patrolling the area that JJ wanted me to but I started the get this feeling in my gut that something was off, have I missed something? I brush it off and keep walking until I hear a man? No men and a girl?

I walk down an ally way and at the end I see three men, all tough and alot bigger then the girl that is with them, she looks scared..but I can't help her, that would mean I am "growing soft" as JJ would put it and I just started to get on his good side.

I kept watching anyway just to see where this would lead then I saw him slap her, I grip my bat tougher in angry.

You'll think I would be use to this by now, seeing people beating up girls and all but apparently not.

They all started kicking her, I gridded my teeth in anger then she looks my way, we lock eyes and what I see in Helplessness and pain..tears beginning to stray from her eyes.

I can't just stand here and watch this happen! Fuck what JJ says or does I am doing something about this!"

Stay in tune for 2 part~

I hope everyone enjoyed today's/tonight's story! (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

Words: 612

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