Good Days

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28 years ago

Wendy was mad, as was Pan. Both were the cause of the others anger, Wendy had just recently failed an escape attempt since she was  tired of the island after centuries she was tortured here. There were good days where she loved Pan just like she did when they first came but after so many years and seeing his true colors it was torture when he used his sharp words and chased her.


She ran through the forest, putting as much distance between that dreadful camp and herself. She ran and ran, not even stopping when her legs threaten to collapse. Killian was let off the island months ago to chase his crocodile, Wendy used that as motivation that people can leave. She didn't dare think of getting caught, it only reminded her that she had her shadow torn off last time. She could hear him gaining on her, taunting her. She had almost made it to shore when she was caught.

"Wendy-bird!" He called from behind her, she glanced behind her just to run into something solid and get knocked back. Wendy looked up and saw she ran into Pan while he stood there arms crossed with a smirk on his face that quickly turned into a scowl.

"What were you doing?" He asked but already knew the answer.

"Trying to escape what else!" She yelled fed up with always getting caught. He leaned down and scooped her up into a bridal style hold.

"Nobody leaves Neverland Wendy-Bird, not without my permission. And you don't have it. You will stay here on this island for an eternity. Do you understand?"

"I won't stop fighting!"

"You can't keep playing a game you always loose Wendy." He spokes with a smirk stark straight into her eyes. He flew off and back to camp, still angered with her for trying to run. In his mind she was his.

Flashback Over

Wendy wasn't trusted not to run so she was forced into the small bamboo cage for the next few days. She huffed to herself. She was honestly used to it by now based on her many escape attempts.

Laying her head against the back of the cage she fell into a uneasy sleep.

The next few days she was brought food and it was delivered to the cage but she wasn't allowed out other than to go to the bathroom, she couldn't even bathe!

After the punishment was over Pan personally let her out of the cage. But little did he know, he couple days in the cage were just enough time to form a plan.

Pan held his hand out to the girl and helped her out of the cage.

"Learned your lesson yet Bird?

"I guess." It was part of her plan, she couldn't be suspicious, she needed to just keep her snarky remarks at bay for a few days, or hours depending on how the mission goes.

"Finally." Pan said with a eye roll.

"Let's go to the camp." He grabbed her hand and dragged her back into the camp. Once they made it back she sat on the chair that Pan had our next to his "throne".

"Ready for some music Wendy-Bird?"

She slowly let a small nod break through no matter how much she wanted to say no. She hated those pipes! They were just a reminder that she IS lost and she isn't here just to be a plaything- even if it is a big part- she didn't have any blood family left. She used her dreams to check up on them. Pan had made her parents forget her and her brothers had to suffer with the fact that she was taken. They couldn't confide with their parents so they became dependent on each other. They were together as one until their last dying breath with their wives and children at their sides. She smiled at the thought, she was glad that they got to grow up even if she couldn't.

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