[5] Questions

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Sorry this chapter is all over the place I had no motivation to write this

Once we got to my house, I finally realized how crazy it was for me to bring this thing to my home.

Y/n: guys, I. Am. Crazy! What is my mom sees him!?
Colby: Y/n it'll be fine. You just have to be quick on the questions and then once he tells you everything we need to know just send him to a black hole
Y/n: yea but where am I going to set him?
Brennen: you have a garage don't you?
Y/n: oh yea! Ok come on.

We got to the garage and set him down near the corner of the room

Y/n: ok.. how are we going to keep him still.. cause he's about to wake up.
Brennen: you got a rope?
Y/n: what? No- wait- yea I do.
Colby: then go and get it!
Y/n: but my mom doesn't let me in the room where it's placed
Colby: why not?
Y/n: cause it's the room where my dad set his weapons and gear. My mom told me right when I was born "Y/n don't you EVER go in this room. I need it to be set as it was where your father left it. Ok?" I disobey that order, I'm dead! And I'm not kidding. Dead.
Brennen: well maybe you and Colby can get it together
Y/n: why?
Brennen: because hes good at stealing.
Colby: ok, just because I stole your pen ONCE doesn't mean I steal everything.
Brennen: that was my favorite pen!

You pull Colby's out the room and started to feel sudden butterfly's in your stomach. You ignored it and faced Colby

Colby: what time does the beast wake up?
Y/n: I dunno like.. an hour..
Colby: where's the room?!
Y/n: across the hallway. But we got some buff guards that are sometimes invisible
Colby: omg.. let's just swipe the rope away and leave it the way it was once we're done.
Y/n: k. You stay here

You go and get up but Colby pulls you back down which makes you slightly blush

Colby: people are going to see me.
Y/n: I just need you to keep watch, Brock. I won't be long.

Colby let's you go and you walk normally.

Guard #1: where r u going?
Y/n: oh you know just.. uh.. at the pool..?
Guard #2: we can tell when your lying   Y/n.
Y/n: but in not lying.
Guard #4: mhm. Imma get a sandwich.
Y/n: yes you go do that. Infact everyone should get a sandwich!

You laugh nervously and chuckle as the guards hype up and go and make their sandwiches. You sigh and go in the room.. but didn't see the trip wire.. and well.. tripped..

Colby: Y/n!

You grabbed the rope and attempted to run but a huge gush of wind filled the area and you saw your mom with red eyes.

M/n: Y/n?

Her eyes turn back to normal. You laugh and smile at your mom trying to play it out as a joke I guess.

Y/n: hey mom! How yah doing? Did you change your hair?
M/n: were you in there? And who is this?!

She points to Colby and Colby goes to your side which makes yours and Colby's hands touch

M/n: why were you in there?!
Y/n: i- I can explain!
M/n: then go ahead. Explain. Now!
Y/n: ok.. so remember how I uh told you that I was going to eat with my friends?
M/n: yes?
Y/n: well while we were over there this thing attacked us and destroyed the whole restaurant but don't worry! We got him and I out him to sleep and..
M/n: and?
Y/n: and we took him here.
M/n: what?! Did he see the village?! Omg go and pack I'll tell the whole village that we gotta go-
Y/n: no mom! I put him to sleep and I went in dad's room to get the enchanted rope to tie him up.
M/n: *sighs* you're off the hook. Where is he?
Y/n: in the basement.
M/n: ok. But why did you take him here?
Y/n: because while we were fighting him he said "give me Y/n and I'll leave!" And I put him to sleep and took him here to question him.
M/n: god you remind me so much of your father.. but ok. It's nice to meet your boyfriend by the way. Hi, nice to meet you.
Y/n: uh no mom he's not my boyfriend.
M/n: oh I'm sorry. Husband. I give you permission to marry her by the way-
Y/n: mom! Just come and help me with the beast
M/n: you should date her she's a really good person-
Y/n: mom!

She smiles at Colby and he just awkwardly smiles back. Me in the other hand be lookin like a tomato. Anyways, I take my mom and Colby back to the garage. I opened the garage door and my mom started laughing

Y/n: why are you laughing?
M/n: because this isn't a beast.
Colby: then what is it?
M/n: it's a goblin.
Y/n: that. A goblin. There is no way.
Brennen: yea I've seen a goblin before they're like the size of a tissue box.
M/n: well then you've only seen baby ones. This is an adult goblin. It's very rare to see an adult goblin. But anyways, hand me the rope, Y/n before this 'beast' wakes up.

You go to the room and grab the rope and go back to the garage and hand it to your mom. She thanks you and fkys up in the air and circles around tying the rope around him.

M/n: ok, Y/n. You ask the questions and this is the only time I'm letting you touch these things. Ok?
Y/n: ookkk.
Brennen: can I wake it up? I wanna smack his face!
Y/n: yes Brennen.
M/n: wait this is your other friend?
Y/n: yea why?
M/n: he's handsome!
Y/n: omg mom! You're so embarrassing..

Brennen laughs and stares at the gobil before smacking it with his hand. The goblin opens its eyes and growls and roars trying to escape.

Y/n: you're not leaving before answering some questions
Goblin: I won't.. tell you anything!
Y/n: would you rather live till 60 or be torn apart once by a black hole?
Goblin: torn apart. Cause I won't say anything!
Brennen: hey man, we're not kidding. I'll open a black hole for you right now if you want.
Colby: yea if you don't say anything then get a good look around cause you're not gonna see it for the rest of your life.

I sigh

This is gonna take a while..



You grab the rope and tighten it around the goblin and grab the device from Brennens hands and put your thumb in the button

Y/n: you better tell me why you want me, who you're working for, and tell me what's your plan! Before I send you in a world that nobody will ever hear you scream or call for help.

The goblin looks at you and growls with his ears laying flat on both sides of his head

Goblin: fine! I'll tell you.
Y/n: the go ahead. Why?
Brennen: yea tell her! You ruined my food! And wasted my life time!
Colby: tell her! Now! Before she send you away.

He roars at Brennen and and Colby and they back away. The goblin looks at everyone and openes his mouth to speak

Goblin: I...

1318 words

Aaa.. I love me some cliffhangers. Stay tuned for the next chapter! Bye bye!


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