A Disclaimer

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Hello, and thank you for taking the time to even glance at my first "book." This is a disclaimer saying that I am not going into any career of writing or anything of the sort. I am purely writing this out of fun, and I am not skilled in writing, although I am still putting a lot of effort into this, so please don't think I don't care.

The last time I ever wrote anything that wasn't for a class was way back in middle school when I wrote a Dan and Phil fanfiction called "Sometimes It's Hard." Yep. I wrote that. I'm sorry. It's poorly written, I know, and I'm not even a part of that fandom anymore. To put into perspective how long ago that was, I just graduated from high school this year, 2020. 

Again, this is just a disclaimer that I am not an author. I plan on being a zoologist. However I am still very open to criticism, do not be afraid to give me some! By putting something on the internet I automatically open myself to that, and I welcome it with open arms.

This book came to me in a dream, but I had to change a few things because the dream didn't quite make sense. Because, well, it was a dream. However, I hope I am able to communicate my ideas thoroughly. I hope you enjoy.

Thank you. 

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