𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚞𝚎: 𝙰 𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚏 🍃

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Finally the moment of truth. The moment where every group sees if their hard work has payed off. All of PRiSM was very confident especially their center, Arata. Seeing as she didn't mess up at all because of her lungs and kept the group going. Hell, all of the group can agree that this was their best performance yet. All of them waited anxiously on stage just itching to hear the results, but it wasn't long before the announcer said "Our runner up for top three is the idol group, PRiSM!" All of their smiles and excitement faded 'Runner up? But we were confident that we would be in the top three', the whole group thought as feelings of despair and frustration took over them. They wanted to cry, but they couldn't do onstage in front of their fans now can they? The staff then came up to them and offered a plate that had the words "Runner up" carved in the metal like how the pain of that word was carved deep into their brains. All of them were frozen in place feeling a range of emotions all at once leaving them stunned, however Miko, their leader, was the first and only one to snap out of the trance so, she quickly took a deep breath before plastering a gentle smile on her face. "We are so thankful that we were able to get this award! Thank you everyone!" But Miko knows that's far from the truth as she turned back to her members to see them looking down in shame. Miko's gaze soften a little as she went back to giving that gentle smile. "C'mon now, we're still onstage. Smile for a little ok?" And slowly one by one they got out of each of their little worlds except for their center as she was looking down at the floor her eyes looking lifeless. This worried Miko a lot. Her sister had never been like this before and it scared her. Both Mai and Arata who were both the mood makers of the group were too down to say anything. Miko took a deep breath trying to calm herself down 'This will only be temporary. Right...?'

PRiSM were the last to leave the building. All you can hear was the footsteps of each of the members as the atmosphere was very weary. Silence filled the air until Arata broke the silence by saying,"We should disband". Everyone whipped their head to the short brunette in shock and disbelief "Wh-Why would you say that..?" Hana says popping from behind her older sister, Akane, as her face started to look distressed. "We've gone this far for what? At this point it's just nothing" Mai then gently puts her hand on Arata's shoulder "Don't say that...we got runner up right? We all did our best-" "But we all expected to get top 3 right?!! We did our best, but we didn't get the results we wanted!!" Arata interrupted, yelling in frustration as Mai turned away from her feeling disappointed, "Arata-san, please calm down! You're not being serious...right....?" Seiko says softly as her eyes were full of distress as well. The whole time that they were talking, Miko's blood slowly started to boil. She couldn't believe what she heard from her sister's mouth. Disband? All for nothing? Repeating those words in her head just pissed her off more. Arata then laughed bitterly "I think it's better to just disband now. At this point we'll just be wasting ti-" She then got interrupted with a hard slap to her cheek by her older sister which caused Arata to fall to the ground. Everyone looked at her in shock. No one, not even her own sister had seen her this pissed off before. "Don't you dare say that this was all for nothing!!" Miko yells harshly at the younger one as tears were threatening go down her face "We've gone through so much to even get up to runner up and you have the nerve to say that this is for nothing?!!" Both of the sisters fell silent before Miko took a deep breath to gain her composure. She then proceeded to pointed at the brightest star in the sky. "Remember when we were kids? You used to say to me all the time that you wanted to shine as bright as the brightest star in the sky" A smile then found a way onto Miko's face "And we promised to find him for dad remember?" Miko says softly as tears ran down her face for a bit, but she wiped them quickly off her face while taking a deep breath as her expression changed into a serious and stern one. "But, If you really wanna leave then I'll gladly take the center position from you" Miko says harshly which caused Arata's breath to hitch. Both of them knew that their manager at the beginning before their group debuted debated weather Miko or Arata should be the center, and Arata was fully aware that Miko could easily replace her. With that, Miko gives Arata another smile "So the question is will you sit there a mope about one loss?" Miko then paused to reach her hand out to the younger one "Or will you take my hand and help us evolve into something new?" At that point it finally hit her. She's right, what the hell was she even thinking? Arata's frown slowly grew into a big grin as she took her older sister's hand. Miko's face brightened up when she saw one on her sister's face "There's the center I know" she says as everyone in the group sighs of relief before Akane laughed a little "Damn, and not even a sorry for that bitch slap?" Akane joked as Miko panicked a little "C-Crap! are you ok?!" Then Arata laughs at her older sisters response "I'm fine~ I'm fine~ I needed that anyways" Tsukiko sighs in annoyance but she was also scared because of Miko snapping a while ago "G-Geez but did you really have to make scene about it?" Miko smirks a little at her fear and walked over to her poking her cheek "Awe~ is the pretty princess scared of me~? Hmm~?" Tsukiko then just kinda slapped her hand away "A-As if!" From there everyone starts laughing the weary atmosphere quickly fading away. Mai's eyes sparkled at the scene and she starts smiling brightly "Oo! Let's have a party to celebrate! Besides we're only going to get stronger from here right?!" Seiko sighs softly at the idea "If you adults get drunk I'm not going to babysit you" "Awe, Don't be like that Sei~ We drink responsibly" Akane says throwing her arm around Sekio's shoulders as the younger one rolled her eyes "Then explain the time you almost forced me to drink even though I'm underage" Akane tilted her head on confusion "I don't remember-" "Exactly" Sekio says bluntly as everyone starts laughing and Shiro whines while leaning onto Chōko "Can we hurry uuuuuppp?! I wanna go to sleeeeepppp?!" "Y-You're such a wuss Shiro. You're always so tired" Chōko says while trying to push the shorter one off as Miko laugh softly before sighing "Lets stop wasting time then and get to the van. Our manager is probably-" she then got interrupted by a phone call and giggles softly when she saw the ID "Speak of the devil" she mumbles before picking up the phone "We'll be there in a sec don't worry" she then hung up the phone and smiles softly "Well then let's stop wasting time and go!" Everyone collectively nodded as they started walking to where the van was as the setback they had slow left their minds making for a new beginning.

(DISCONTINUED) The rhythm of my broken strings (An ID7 x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now