• Chapter Two •

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The summer has pasted into fall and Emma and Danni are becoming close friends. Theres a sense of trust and understanding that the two share. The two made plans to have a sleep over at Emma's house. So after school on Friday Danni was dropped off at Emma's house. She walked up too the house and walked onto the porch and knocked on the door. Emma heard a knock at the front door followed by her dogs barking. She carefully runs downstairs to the living and opens the front door. Emma smiles and exclaimed "Danni! Come in!" Danni looked a bit spooked because of Emma dogs loud and protective barking but as soon as she opened the door they got excited and were all over her. Danni walked in and Emma said "follow me upstairs please." They walked carefully upstairs and to Emma's room. When. Danni walked in the first thing she noticed was that the walls were covered with posters and pictures of old bands. She thought they were anyways, she saw an AC/DC poster on the wall. Notably she had lots of posters from band called Rush. So Danni assumed Emma's favorite band was Rush, maybe now or in the past. "You can just set your stuff next to that chair." Emma pointed to an armchair in the corner. She had a bit of a spacious room. "I have my own bathroom over here." Danni looked over and her eyes pasted a small walk in closet. Danni walked over to the closet and stopped in front of it and pointed into it "can I look in here?" "Oh yeah sure!" A lot of what Danni saw was hoodies and sweaters. "Oh, is she a softie?" Danni thought to herself. The two walked out and the first thing Danni saw was selves with so many books. "Woah, how did you even find out about so many books?" Emma chucked a bit and said "well my favorite drummer was also the main lyricist for his band. He loved reading and I kinda just started reading what he read. This bottom self here has some books he wrote himself." "Oh wow... what band was he in. I mean he sounds cool already l." Emma smiled "he was from the band Rush. They're my favorite band too actually. Wanna hear some stuff? I've got like every record of theirs." "Sure!" "Okay, okay. So this was their best selling album Moving Pictures, it was released in 1981. It includes their biggest song Tom Sawyer and another pretty big track by them called Limelight." Emma explained this while walking to the record player and taking out the record. She set it on the record player and but the needle on the edge lightly with precision. "While that's playing wanna see the rest of my record collection?" "Sure, why not?" Emma was really happy and it was cute to Danni. Emma talking about Rush made Danni curious about them and decided that she should listen to them by herself sometime. Danni also loved Emma's passion when talking about classic rock. She could tell that she truly loved it. The record finished and Emma put it back "anyways wanna see some other rooms?" "Sure." "Okay." Emma left her bedroom and Danni followed her to the other room on upstairs level. "So this room is possibly my favorite besides my bedroom." She opened up the door and there was assortment of instruments. They walked in and Danni saw a drum kit and assumed everything in the room for the most part was a percussion instrument. Danni gasped and said "hey, I play bass." Emma gasped and replied with "you do?! I gotta hear you play sometime! How about next time you stay over you should bring your bass! We can like play songs together!" Emma started giggling and Dannis cheeks felt a little warm and laughed with her. "That sounds fun. Yeah I'll definitely bring my bass next time!" The two smiled at eachother and Danni asked "why don't you play something then?" "On what?" "O-oh um I don't know anything but the drums so the drums please." "Okay." Emma played a little solo that blew Danni away. "I haven't been I big drums person but that sounded cool." "Oh, you should hear what Neil Peart can do! His solos will blow your mind!" Emma obviously looked up to this Peart guy so Danni just smiled and said "we can watch one together if you want." "Oh really?!" "Yeah!" The two smiled at eachother and started laughing. Emma's nose caught a whiff of the dinner being made and said "let's see what's for dinner." They found out and it was nothing they wanted so Emma said "y'know what I can make us something. What about mac n cheese?" "Yeah sure." Emma smiled and went back upstairs real quick and got her iPad, it's what had all her music. She played more Rush while making the mac n cheese. They went upstairs and hide for the rest of the night watching Mr. Atheist videos and a previously a Neil Peart solo while eating dinner. The next day the two listened to Emma's records all day. Danni agreed to listening to the whole Rush discography and her favorite song was Working man.

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