5. "ʏᴜᴘ. ʟᴏᴏᴋs ᴛᴀsᴛʏ."

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When Iwaizumi was blasting him away with questions, it took all he had in him not to say, "I'm fine."

First reason was because it would appear on his soulmate's skin. And he did not want to be found out like that.

Second reason was because he's trying his best to lie less. It was tough since his opinions tend to be a bit strong, but he would do it for his Iwa-chan.

Although, he really thought he covered up that bruise pretty well this morning.

Oikawa wasn't one to wear or own makeup so he stole some from that witch. He figured she wouldn't mind; even if she did, he didn't care.

He rubbed the foundation on carefully, making sure that the dark hue wasn't visible. Maybe it had worn off during the day, or maybe he wasn't that talented with cosmetics.

Still, he couldn't believe he almost got found out.

Oikawa shuddered at the thought of his secret being exposed. He didn't particularly care for others' opinions, but he didn't want Iwaizumi to know.

Because if they really are soulmates, Iwaizumi might not want him after he finds out the truth.

But that's not going to happen, he reassured himself. No one will know.

So for the rest of the school day, he plastered on his best smile. Oikawa made jokes and laughed often, careful to make sure he didn't sound too fake. Iwaizumi was sharp and would easily catch on to his facade.

Luckily the spiky-haired boy didn't say anything else for the rest of the day. The fact greatly comforted him.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Shittykawa." said Iwaizumi.

His smile faltered the slightest at the nickname. "Can't you just say my name, Iwa-chan? You make it sound like I'm a bad person."

"I'll stop if you stop calling me Iwa-chan."

"Okay. Never mind then."

The spiky-haired boy groaned. He giggled at the reaction and smiled genuinely. "Bye, Iwa-chan." He said, waving at the boy.

Iwaizumi waved back and said, "Text me if you need anything."

His smile grew a little sly and little bigger. He winked at the boy. "I'll take you up on that offer."

Normally he ate dinner alone.

The witch, Mrs. Mori, couldn't stand him, and he couldn't stand her. So they ate separately for every meal, and that was just the way he liked it.

But tonight was an exception.

Mr. Mori was coming home for the first time in weeks, so it was planned for them to have a family dinner.

Which was strange to Oikawa because they weren't family at all.

Nevertheless, when Mr. Mori entered the house, he greeted the man kindly.

"It's nice to see you, Mr. Mori. Have you been well?"

The man laughed. He was dressed neatly in a crisp black suite with a blue tie that matched his eyes. His black hair was cropped short and graying at parts. Yet he was still handsome.

It was probably the only thing Oikawa and Mr. Mori had in common.

"No need to be so formal, Tooru. We've been family for years! When will you start calling me dad?" said the man.

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