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This world is fading
The people are changing
Society is rearranging
People abuse their powers
Politics are full of liars
Hatred is second nature
Anger in every pasture
And the King is coming
I am eagerly waiting
Evil fills the streets
And we are taking the heat
I pray
I plead
Father please don't leave me
Take me on that day
Let me take part in the feast
Worshipping at your feet
By God's will and Grace
I will gaze upon your face
I will be in your Kingdom
From sin I have true freedom
A pure bride clothed in white
Wouldn't that be a sight
All the wicked cast away
Jesus Christ is given praise
The worthy Lamb
This was all part of God's plan
He will give off a light
That surpasses any night
Eternal life with him
A new heaven and earth
Never seen or heard
Will be my final estate
I believe with all faith

I can feel it in my bones
I can feel it in my soul
I cannot overlook
A shrug of the certain truth
God is coming
With his son in Glory
A book that isn't a mere story
But something that takes a mark in history
Jesus Christ will appear like a golden trophy 🙏

Have a blessed day 😇
Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.
I Thessalonians 4:17 NKJV

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