Chapter One: Part Ten

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It was quiet when they returned though everyone greeted them pleased that they made it back it was also met with sadness with their dead carried in the bed of the truck along with what they could carry. Even when they got to the clinic there wasn't much to be said. One by one Emmy dealt with their wounds properly treating them and bandaging them. It was frankly a dark atmosphere in the room as everyone solemnly sat around just letting Emmy press on with her work with the help of Sarah who had tagged along with the group.

"I might give you some antibiotics for that" Emmy pointed to the large open wounds on Jay while he winced uncomfortably in his seat "and some pain killers" she added.

He simply gave a nod in appreciating the day had obviously taken a lot out of him it fell quiet again.

Emmy took two containers emptying four tablets into a small cup "take these" she spoke walking over to Jay and holding it out for him "after you take these you can head home. You're off guard duty for the week until we see how you're healing and I will be by later today to check up on you with the rest of the medication."

"Thanks, Em" Jay took the cup and downed the four pills all in one go before he stood himself up. Obvious pain crossed his face once he got to his feet.

"Do you want me to call someone to help you?" Emmy questioned watching the man struggle.

"No, no--"

"Sarah could you help Jay home please" Emmy instructed to the girl.

"Yes, of course" she gave a smile before approaching Jay and letting his arm drape over her shoulders as she helped him out the door.

"Look at you boss lady" Kai commented as he let his body slouch against the wall.

"Even hurt you're still funny huh?" Emmy rolled her eyes.

"Always baby" he laughed to himself.

"Well funny guy hopefully you three are back on your feet soon because with the antibiotics and pain killers on the three of you are going to take a chunk of our supplies" Emmy sighed as she once again walked over to the medical supplies and placed four pills into a small cup.

"As soon as I am on my feet I will be back in action. Don't worry your pretty little head" the playful grin kept on his face as it always was. You would think it was just another day the way Kai behaved instead of almost dying and losing three group members.

"We need to sort out this mess before going on another run, Kai. What if we get attacked again and aren't prepared" Emmy sighed as she approached the tall skinny blonde.

"We will be prepared next time it could have been a one-off--"

"It wasn't. In the middle of nowhere with no camps around you guys were attacked" Emmy shook her head as she handed over the small cup "it had to be deliberate... They were following you" the pair exchanged a nervous look before the door burst open and in walked Brady holding onto her protruding stomach as she walked.

"I heard you guys were back are you okay.." she huffed "you know just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I should be left out of the loop."

"Sorry, Brae. It was a bit of a rush they were all injured" Emmy explained.

"Look at how worried she was over me" Kai teased. To which Brady huffed like a child once again.

"I was worried about everyone Kai, not just you" Brady rolled her eyes as she sat down beside Kai who was still looking smug over her concerns.

"Sure you were" Kai teased again.

"Only Kai, Troy and Jay were alive once we got their" Emmy sighed turning her attention to her best friend. The pretty blonde was looking tired and quite worn down but weren't they all, after all, it was a world they were struggling to survive in though the only difference was Brady was carrying a baby in the mess of a world.

"Shit..." Brady muttered to herself.

"It..." Emmy let out another sigh remembering what had happened "it was just a mess, Brae..."

"Who is going to tell Justice about Marsh?" Brady questioned her usually bright blue eyes saddened with the thought.

"She already knows... She came out once we pulled in" Emmy explained," we will have a funeral for our fallen tonight."

"She already lost their daughter in the attack a few months ago... Just her and Ace now" the three sat quietly dwelling over the news. Yes, three died Kace and Geo as well but it was always hard when they had a family as Marsh did.

"I will check on her after I finish I just have Troy now..." Emmy glanced around the room realising the ash blonde wasn't in sight "where is Troy?" she wondered out loud.

"Probably back on duty since he was already patched up. Can't stop boy scout" Kai gave a shrug.

"Dammit" Emmy grumbled," you can go Kai and get some rest" she spoke as she marched over and snatched her jacket from the back of the chair.

"What are you doing?" Brady questioned.

"Going to find Troy" and with a grumble, she stormed out of the room.

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