Early morning

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(Art made by my friend years ago on kik and i for some reason still have it editing is also by the same friend that drew the art)
Germany sat in his living room thinking about ass. "What ass you may be asking. Well, none other than North Italy's ass. Don't be dumb this is a fucking Germany x North Italy fanfic it would be weird if Germany WASN'T thinking about his ass. Like could you imagine a fanfic that said it was about a specific ship but then BAM it turned out to be a whole different ship that NO ONE asked for? Like that Prussia x Germany shit! That's gross they're BROTHERS people BrOtHeRs like holy shit don't make them fuck for the hundredth time! I'm looking at you, Brenda! (Editor's note: Are u okay??? This is very specific, have you been scarred? Who hurt you?)

As Germany sat in his living room he wondered why his thoughts went off on such an odd tangent. He decided to pay it no mind and got up from the couch because it was time to work out. So, Germany went to his bedroom and changed into his workout gear. Once that task was set he went to the kitchen to grab some water. However, just before he went to put his boots on, he realized he was forgetting something. 'What was he forgetting?', you may ask. Well, he was forgetting to wake up the lazy ass that is North Italy. *Sighs in German*
"I should go wake up Italy and drag his lazy ass along," the German muttered to himself as he walked into the Italian's room. Ok, he kicked in the door but that's not the point here. "ITALY!" he yelled, startling the twink out of bed and onto the floor. "It's time to go to the gym. Get dressed," The blond demanded as he left the room. Little did he know, Italy just climbed right back into bed and went back to sleep.

~like an hour later~
"Where is that fool..." Germany muttered to himself, standing outside the Italian's door. "I guess I'll just go in and check," The German turned and once more kicked in the door, seeing the smol once again knocked the fuck out. "Are you kidding me?" Th
e German sighed. This is so bullshit! So he awoke the small boy and they kinky boned because Germany was angee and apparently life is just one big German dungeon porno now you're welcome.

The end

Hetalia Germany x North Italy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now