Chapter 17

315 11 3

Oof I want the goals Jisoo and Dalgom have

"Flight attendants, prepare for landing please."

The vip curtain opened and Sana soln entered the room, as she saw us laughing she couldn't help but join us.

"Looks like you're feeling better, I knew these two could make you happy again" she said smiling.

"Yes, thank you all again so much, you all really saved my mood"

"Are you sure it wasn't just the alcohol" Chaeyoung objected, which made Nayeon roll her eyes.

"Anyways we're soon landing do you need a ride home or is somebody driving you?" Nayeon asked.

"Oh, no not really I wanted to call a cab, but If it's no problem I'd gratefully accept your offer. Thank you again so much, that's so nice of you I can't thank you all enough really" again a tear rolled down.

"Heyyy it's okay, you seem a bit lost and crushed, so sure we're also grateful to be of help" Chaeyoung answered.

The plane landed and everyone started clapping. And as always everybody started stressing and crowding, but somehow we managed to get out.

After we've done everything, we three walked outside towards the parking slots. As we arrived I witnessed a pretty short blond-haired girl leaning on a car. It took Nayeon just a second to recognize her and so she ran straight in her direction just to shower her with kisses.

"Gosh she's being so extra" Chaeyoung rolled her eyes.

Chaeyoung walked me to the car and said: "Uh this is Chaeyoung 2.0 Sana sent her to us crying we talked a bit and I don't know she seems nice we're friends now so mind driving her too?"

I just nodded and smiled.

"Ah yeah sure, as long as she's no serial killer or something. Anyway I'm Jeongyeon nice to meet you"

I also introduced myself and bowed.

She was really nice and without hesitation, she let me in and drove off. Per maps, I showed her the way and we soon arrived at my grandma's house.

Well, the ride was pretty funny they turned the music on pretty loud and started vibing to their favorite songs, and not only that they even forced me to sing with them, and for real all of them got angelic voices, Chaeyoung even killed Nicki's rap part.

"That's the house right?"

"Yes" I answered, thanked her, and got out of the car.

"Well Chaeyoung you're really fun to have around, we'll look forward to seeing you in school next week again, byeee" Nayeon said, Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon nodded and waved me goodbye.

In front of my grandma's house I stood and took a deep breath, will she also be disappointed in me? No... I haven't seen her for a long time, but I know she is the most supportive person I know-

*Knock, Knock*

The door opened and I was surprised by who I saw.


"ALICE? wait wha-" she interrupted by giving me a tight hug.

I was about to ask why she is here but again she interrupted me and said grandma is waiting too. My Grandpa sadly passed away a few years ago. He and I really enjoyed spending time when I was a kid...

"Ah if that isn't my favorite grandchild"

"It's not like I can't hear you" Alice said rolling her eyes, which made my grandma and I laugh. Also smelled I cookies and ran directly towards the kitchen.

"I KNEW IT. Can- Can I have some"   I asked putting on a puppy face.

Both nodded and smiled. God how much I missed them not only the cookies how much I missed them all...

*A week later at school*

Chaeyoung texted me that they'd wait in front of the school for me and yes they did, but this time it wasn't only Chaeyoung, Nayeon, and Jeongyeon this time a black-haired girl, a brown-haired one a blonde and a blue-haired one, how odd my mother would've killed me-, accompanied them.

"Chaeeeeeee" Nayeon yelled running towards me. She took my hand and introduced me to the new girls.

"As you can see this is Momo, that's Tzuyu, Mina, and Dahyun. That's our friend group and we'd be honored to have you in there too the other girls are well... you'll see. Normally Jihyo and Sana are with us too but they started working and quit school."

They soon involved me in their group and helped me getting familiar with my new surroundings, and even bought me snacks I've never seen before, they're all so nice I never had that many friends in my whole life... Maybe coming to Australia wasn't as bad as I thought. But Jisoo- what is she possibly doing right now? God if I only had my old phone and number so I could reach her...

Jisoo's p.o.v

A week passed by, no texts from Chaeyoung, nothing from Jennie either, and Lisa I don't even want to start... Should I call my siblings? No... I'm 18 I should get used to being alone, I mean being alone with a dog. The whole week was boring, after school I spent most of the time only sleeping, yes it's my last year I should focus more but how?

Suddenly, Dalgom jumped on my bed with his leash between his teeth, showing me that he wants to take a walk. If I didn't have the dog, I'd probably be fat by now. I wasn't doing any sport for years, yes I've wanted to try dancing for a long time, but school was really stressing me out especially because I had to retake a year...

Nevermind your dog wants to take a walk, so get your lazy ass up and go to the park with him, I tried motivating myself.

Outside the light already blinded me, but nevertheless, I moved on and started jogging towards the park, Dalgom at least seemed to enjoy it.

Arriving at the park, we immediately went to the next fountain and started drinking as we've never seen water before. Just when I wanted to stop, I got interrupted by a tap on the shoulder and a familiar voice



Yeah uhm... I don't know when my last update was but here is a new chapter so as always I hope you enjoyed it :)

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