Bro moment

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Warning- smut, again, obviously what else did you expect.

I'm so sorry, it's almost 5am and I haven't slept. I don't even want to write this.

Top- Mondo
Bottom- Kiyotaka

Taka walks over to Mondo Owada, the hottest guy in school [doubt]
'Mr.Owada...' Kiyotaka holds out a slip of paper, it's a detention slip.
'What the hell did I do!?' Mondo yells in anger, this would be the third time this week of him having to go to detention and he was not happy about it. 'Mr.Owa-' Kiyotaka was cut off. 'Mondo, my name's Mondo' Mondos says slightly annoyed. 'Excuse me, Mondo... Yesterday I saw you running in the halls after first class, you ran out to the next class before I was able to give you this detention slip.'
Mondos left speechless, he's probably pretty mad at Taka but Taka just ignores it and walks away.

Timeskip; After class/school

Mondo walks to the room not even glancing at the slip of paper already knowing where it is, he basically lives there. He opens the door and the room is completely empty, Mondo was about to walk out and ditch before turning around and Taka standing right behind him. 'Woah !, You scared me dumbass'
'sorry' Taka exclaimed rather pitiful.
'Hey why is no one else here? Usually there's at least five students?'
'I told them to reschedule it for tomorrow.' Taka says with a straight face, still not looking Mondo in the eyes. They both walk in, Taka sitting down at the front desk, Mondo sitting on a random chair he saw. Mondo had expected to just sit in silence and sneak a look at his phone every couple of times, but, Taka had other plans.

Kiyotaka walks over to Mondo, sits on his lap, and does absolutely nothing. Mondo is past confused at this point, freezing in place unknowing of what to do. Taka grabs Mondos face and starts to kiss him gently, Mondo kissed back but was confused why he felt the need to do it. After about thirty seconds Mondo grabs Takas waist and pulls him toward himself, Taka is a bit surprised but doesn't question it. Suddenly Taka reaches for Mondos belt and swiftly undoes it, Mondo slightly gasping into the kiss from being a bit shocked.
Taka suddenly pulls away from the kiss and gets on his knees in front of Mondo. Mondos face is completely bright red knowing what's going to happen next.

You know what I was gonna write smut but I'll do it on the next chapter because I feel like being an asshole. :)

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