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Location : ???
Time : ???

     One could see a man with blue hair walking alone .He wore simple clothes , a t-shirt  with a brown coat on top with a black trousers . A common pice of clothing atleast before the world went crazy  The man seemed to be in his early twenties but the truth was that he was older , much much older. He carried on his back a weapon which could only be described as an oversized sword. But perhaps calling the blade that split the ground and razed the earth and took the life of a true goddess a mere weapon would be nothing short of insulting. Not that he would mind of course, after all for him , a blade had only one purpose, to take lives. In particular, his weapon , The Judgement Of Shamash was forged by him for a single purpose; destruction . A perfect tool for a butcher like him .

       The ground that he walked on was a deep black, just like the sky above it which was to be expected, as after the fight the entire earth was consumed in fire which lead to the ground being turned to lava, which after cooling lead to the entire world being turned into black volcanic rock giving it the appearance of a black pearl. The man looked up and sighed or rather he tried to. After all , there wasn't exactly an atmosphere to breath. He  looked up at starry sky in which an extremely small and faint white dot twinkled in the distance, which was the sun or atleast it was the sun  while the moon seemed to be missing, but he knew where it was , after all he was the one responsible for its disappearance . He looked at the stars with a faint smile and thought how beautiful they looked. Mukuro truly would have loved seeing them . Of course that hardly mattered now that he had lost them.  He .... Had lost everyone. There was no one in the world. No animals , no humans , no nothing. Empty endless expanse as far as the eyes could see. He was the last human, the last living being on earth. And how couldn't he be , after all he was the one responsible for eradicating all life on earth. The one who brought about the end of mankind was not a world war, or hell even those goddamn polluters ; those bloody invaders , no it was a single man , a single twenty five year old man whose grief and hatred brought forth the end . Truly fate had a bad sense of humour.

          He reached towards a a large stone structure, which seemed something along the lines of a large palace built entirely out of stone. It would have taken years to build even with the help of thousands of people and advanced machines but when you can create near infinite clones each capable of easily lifting multiple tonnes of weight and capable of coordinating with each other precisely, it was hardly a problem. He reached inside it and navigated him to a large room . The room was well lit with a peculiar lanterns which seemed to give off an eerie glow . On the end of the large hall was a raised platform with stairs leading upto a single large seat, a throne to be precise. The throne was made from the same black rock as everything around it.

            However the throne was not unsightly , far from it. It seemed as if some great sculptor had spent his life , toiling day and night to create this masterpiece , an object of beauty and grandeur that only the greatest kings would be fit to seat on . However the truth was that the man himself had crafted the throne. For him it wasn't too big of a deal as he had only obtained the skill of sculpting some hundred years ago after devouring the soul of a man he came across while killing the inhabitants of a town after they tried to hunt him.  It was one of the many perks that came with his bloodline , as long as he devoured the soul of any being he would gain all their memories and skills. He seated himself on the throne and prepared himself for immolation. Soul immolation, a technique in which a cultivator could choose to destroy their soul releasing all of the soul's energy in a blaze of glory. This would result in an explosion directly equivalent to the cultivator's level. It was the same technique that reine used to destroy the polluters and led to the chain of events that resulted in the extinction of humanity. Of course as he was something that could only be described as a ' Fake cultivator ' there was no way his explosion would be anything close to that of a true goddess like reine. A part of him still wished that there was an afterlife and he could meet all of them, but he knew it was nothing but wishful thinking on his part. After all, for a destroyed soul , thee was no reincarnation, no second chance, it was simply the end as it ceased to exist. He would be like that too. He knew it was not a sufficient punishment for his crimes but still he chose to do it.

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