The 4th Session

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"Woo," Yunho hummed as they sat in reception, similar to their first day meeting Choi San.

Wooyoung looked up at him through a permanent frown. This past week had certainly been a strange one. They weren't sure where they stood with each other and neither had brought up the last session. It wasn't awkward, but there was a small ounce of tension that loitered in the air surrounding them. Most people walking past could pick it up.

"Where's your wedding ring? It's the first time I've seen you without it..."

The purple-haired man pointed to the thin golden chain around his neck and lifted it up. "It's right here." And sure enough, it was on the chain.

"Why is it on a necklace?"

"Because I keep forgetting where I put it when I take it off."

"...Oh," was all he could muster with a dejected tone. It had been a long week.

The receptionist who had been waving them in every day caught his eye with a subtle, informative nod, telling him that their bewitching counsellor was waiting for them. He sighed and stood up, helping Wooyoung up too, and then headed wordlessly towards the hallway.

"You're miffed," the younger man noted. "But why?"

Yunho shrugged and ran a hand through his brown hair, feeling tense and as uneasy as he always did when approaching Room Five. "I've been trying to see things your way recently. Apparently it helps."

"With what?"

"With everything."

Wooyoung suppressed a small, faint smile and patted his tall husband's shoulder. "There's no harm in trying, Yun."

He nodded and stared at his reflection in the polished plaque. He looked prim and proper. On the outside. Raising his hand tentatively, he knocked on the dark wood and tapped his foot in waiting. The wait seemed to get longer and longer with every session. Of course, it didn't actually, but it felt like an eternity.

"Yunho, I agree with you about San. There's something fishy about him, but something undeniably alluring as well."

The taller man looked down at him with a gaze. "It' unnatural pull that I feel towards him. It feels superficial somehow."


And with that, the door opened to present to them their smiling counsellor. San was as bright as ever. In fact, he looked even brighter. "Ah, the Jeongs. It's good to see you back. I thought I might have scared you off after last time."

"Ha, no," Yunho chuckled. "I'll get my money's worth out of these sessions."

The man stepped back to let them in, a welcoming aura emitting like an oasis in the desert. They trailed in and looked around, taking in any changes that might have occurred. The portrait, like last time, had its eyes glued to the chair that the owner of the painting sat in. It made Yunho wonder if he even remembered it correctly from when he first saw it. Surely the eyes had never looked directly at him.

"How are you today?" Wooyoung asked in his usual friendly tone.

"I'm pretty good, if I may say so myself." As he said this, the shortest in the room noticed a white feather stuck to San's woollen jumper. It was one of those big feathers that was too big to be a swan's.

"Umm...on your jumper..." Wooyoung pointed tentatively and licked his bottom lip nervously.

The counsellor looked at his arm and saw the hard-to-miss piece of nature stuck to him. "Oh! I didn't even notice. Thanks for saving me from embarrassment." He plucked it from the stitch and held it up, examining it.

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