Before we get into all of the suspense in the true devouring soul eating information lets get to know them before they might not make it hahaha. First up Rory winder a guy how loves to skateboard, make a mess, is mean but can be there when you most need it, is a good football and basketball player, and that would kill to get revenge for someone his awesome hurting his girlfriend. Second up Christian a bad boy who makes out with his girlfriend every minute he can. He is a lot better than his cousin Rory but can do everything he can do expect jump off his house like he did that one time and broke his ankle what a dumb ass. Ali a girl that loves her boyfriend Christian she is a skater girl that like to dress fancy and smells like fresh picked roses but will kick your god damn ass if needed. Lexxi is a pretty cool girl shes no bitch but she can skate better than her boyfriend but knows she protected by him though.
Now that you know them its time for the real scary part if i was you I would go get some fresh underwear and your favorite stuffed animal just kidding it not that scary yet no it wont I'm still messing with you all. So they walk into detention and then instantly they here there teacher getting called in to the science lab so after the teacher left they snick out and followed her down the hall. Once they got to the door they all looked in there and all they seen was there teachers turn into mutants ghost skeletons and lots of other gross things. After that they got scared cause that thought that they was not gonna make it after seeing that it made Alis throat dry so they found a water fountain but once you push it there is not water in it its blood.
After that they looked back and seen all there close friends heads dangling off the roof but once they looked back a second time they were gone. And won they looked upwards they seen them and they were in a row that said HELP ME . And then they seen a doll coming towards them with a wind up key that made her walk and say mama but the thing it was no doll it was a human that made her head turn around the hole way. The Little girl then had thrown a knife at Christian he was lucky it was just his toes. Lexi said hey at least u don't need toe sock anymore just to keep are minds off of the fact that we might just die. Then the next moment after that all the heads formed together and made a human out of them and some the heads were used as guns and the ammo was there teeth. But all made it ok exept Rory who got a tooth stuck in his elbow it was so stuck it took us all a real hard tug all together to get it out. after that Rory ripped his sleeve and put it around his arm so he wouldn't get blood every where and to look like a bad ass. And so it didn't get infected they ran to the nurses office and gave him a shoot in his arm.
Then because the tooth hurt Lexxi's boyfriend Rory she got mad and went on a killing rampage with just her own two bare hands. The first one she took out was the human doll and the second one was the head that shot Rory with the tooth. Next they hear something they look back and see there teachers then they look on the sides they are there to and in front of them, there trapped and all of the teachers start to charge at them. They think of no plan but then Christian says look there a air vent lets climb it. So they climb it and then they see a ghost so they start to crawl then they fell down a air vent slide but what they didn't well what three didn't one got possessed but who I'll tell you who it was Christian he was a complete dick-tard he was trying to fight his body on the inside trying to get his body back fighting the ghost. But the others didn't know so when he lost his body to the ghost that was a body builder also the gym teacher but back to the story when he kissed his girlfriend Ali it switched body's into her's so when the girl's were talking alone the ghost then switched to Lexxi and then when here and Rory were holding each other the ghost switched body's again. And when he was done gathering information he ran off and told all the other there strengths and weaknesses.
The weaknesses, Christian's weakness was that he hatred and his strength was loving his girlfriend Ali. Witch brings us to what Ali's weakness is and that is she was afraid that she will not make it with her boyfriend and her strength was fighting so the ghost might not get her that might be a problem unless that take out her boo bear. (Boo bear is what she call her boyfriend Christian.) Lexxi's strength was when she was self confident and her weakness was being week itself so that might be hard for them to get her to. (Damn the girls in this are gonna be hard for the ghost to get into there heads.) Rory's strength was singing a little song and his weakness was never getting out of there with Lexxi.

The haunted School
HororFour best friends are locked in school on a Saturday in detention. Because they trashed the whole school because they all dared each other to. But that's not all they would all skateboard on the stair case outside and play tackle football in the hal...