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Amane PoV:

It was a cold and bitter morning the air was pinching at my nose , it didn't help that we where walking to school. we being my brother Tsukasa and I " Amane did you here there is gonna be a new students joining are class , rumor has it that they're some big Popstars" he said he was obviously struggling to contain his excitement since he has always love meeting new people although many avoid him cause if his naturaly chaotic nature but that also means I nearly have any friends all my friends end up being scared off by Tsukasa although that doesn't mean none I have only got three friends one obviously being Tsukasa the other ones being kou and Mitsuba even though Mitsuba is quite scared of Tsukasa at times they still get along very well " Earth to Amane! Hello" I was lost in thought and was suddenly brought back with my brother waving his hand in my face " oh sorry about that Tsukasa, who do you think it is " " hmmmm I can't really say there are so many possibilities but I really hope that it's ( you can make up the band name I was gonna put seven wonders but no) " he said in his usual cheerful tone " I never thought you'd like them " " of corse I do but you like them more than me so for but I hope it's them because you like them so much " Tsukasa has always been thoughtful towards me but that doesn't make him any less clingy we finally arrived at school we sat at our usual desk. I'm sat at the opposite side of the classroom from Tsukasa so that Tsukasa so I was left with an empty seat beside me which I honestly didn't mind

Yashiro PoV :
"Nene chan! We're gonna be late" my best friend Aoi wouldn't give me heads peace for even a second. She's always been the type to be on time and plus how excited so was to go to school " clam down aoi it 8:30 we have an hour left before school starts we aren't gonna be late " I said walking down stairs only to hit in the face with my coat " hurry! Nene chan~" she said bursting out the door " where does she get that energy from " when I finally was able to see Sakura was standing by the door she was exhausted but I was too we both at the moment had bags under eyes from the lack of sleep aoi didn't give us the chance to every hour she'd wake up to tell use how many hours left I'm lucky to be able to go back to sleep when I'm waken up but Sakura once she walks up that her . She doesn't sleep for the rest of the night " well yashiro we should get going , although it's gonna take us half an hour to get there Aoi wants to be early even though chance of been swarmed are less likely now , I really don't want to be so early but hey if aoi's gonaa go we might as well "she said leaving with out saying another word and I soon followed

( I decide to make yashiro the idol instead of Hanako since no one else has really done it)

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