What is it

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can we appreciate the image I don't know how I found it but I did also this chapter will be the start of hananene stuff as well as mitsukou
No ones PoV:

Amane decide to sit beside her since they had already meet and he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable sitting by people she never met before " hey hanako you said earlier about how you brought cupcakes  for us " kou said with a excited smile forming on his face " Hanako?" Yashiro was confused with who he was taking to " oh Hanako is nickname " " so your nickname is flower" ( hanako mean flower in Japanese and san is girl so hanako san is flower girl ) yashiro said chuckling to  herself

Amane was embarrassed since he didn't know what it meant , they started  laughing at Amane since he looked so embarrassed which he soon had a smirk on his face " make fun off me all you want for it but at least I'm not a daikon " They burst out laughing except Yashiro since yashiro had a face of anger , embarrassment and defeated " hm" yashiro looked away " You guys shouldn't be so mean to nene she didn't mean to come of rude " kou said moving over to sit by her " Amane do you mind if I call you hanako " yashiro asked " go ahead " hanako replied , Mitsuba was giggling to himself  " So about those cupcakes hanako " Mei said " oh yeah me and Tsukasa made them yesterday I made ones personalised to each of us a strawberry donut for Mitsuba with strawberries on top and red laces ( please tell someone else has had those sweets ) , we where also use different batters to make them so for kou a red velvet chocolate donut with extra sprinkles , for mei a chocolate donut with buttercream icing and those paper tiny butterfly things and for me I have a regular one with blue , purple , black and green icing with tiny white star sprinkles ( so it's a donut with a space design ),  here yashiro you can have mine " hanako said with a small a adorable smile " No you have it " " just break one of them half  , not mine though " Mitsuba said stuffing his face with the cupcake . Hanako broke his in half here she took it hesitantly " thank you so much " she said with a wholesome smile that made hanako's checks redden a bit , yashiro was startled by some one shouting her name she turned around to see Aoi and Sakura looking for her she quickly got up to run behind a near by locker that was used to store things like weather thermometers for geography and other things like that " Hey you guys ! " Aoi went running over to them with Sakura calmly walking behind " Have any of you seen Yas... that's yashiro's lunch box so she was here with you , where is now "  Aoi demand " Oh she went down to the bathroom a few minutes ago so check there " Mei said calmly with a small smile " Thank you let's go Sakura " she said running of as Sakura just made it there Sakura decide to run with her , after they left yashiro cane out again " Thanks Mei"
" not a problem , but why did you hide "

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