I Like You OK!

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                Jisung was mad. Well, he wasn't mad per say, he was just agitated, and he didn't really understand why he was in such a crabby mood. It just came over him this morning, but he couldn't think of anything that has happened in his life recently to put him in such a mood. School has been relatively calm these past couple of weeks, and his home life has been the same old same old. So he's really having a hard time trying to figure out what's gotten him so out of it recently. After going over the past couple of weeks in his head Jisung can't really think of anything. So that just made him even more frustrated than he was to begin with. The young alpha let out a huff of breath in frustration. He really hated it when stuff like this happened to him, and normally to make matters worse he ends up figuring everything out when he least expects it and that just drives him nuts! It was times like these that he wished that his brain worked like his older brother Jaehyun's, he always seemed to be able to function like a normal adult.  Even his older brother Jaemin had his life together somehow, and he was a pregnant college student. His life should be so stressful that it wasn't funny, but every time he saw the elder omega he always seemed to be calm and happy. Jisung didn't know how they did it , and it was quite frustrating for him too. 

            "What's wrong Jisung-ah?" Doyoung asked from the front seat of the car. And it was then that Jisung remembered that he was in the car with his older brother's mate Doyoung. The beta was looking back at him through the rearview mirror. Jisung then remembered where he was and why he was there. It was Friday, and Doyoung had come to pick him up from school to take him to his older brother Jaemin's apartment that he shared with his two mates Jeno and Renjun. Friday night meant date night for his older brother and his mate. And even though Jisung was old enough to stay at home by himself, they didn't trust him. Even though he's almost an adult, he's still too accident prone for his older brother and Doyoung to leave him home alone. So he almost flooded the apartment a couple of times,.. He's better now. Okay, even Jisung himself doesn't believe that one. So every Friday night he goes somewhere, normally he goes over to his best friend Chenle's apartment. The elder omega had moved in with his older cousin Sicheng (Renjun's brother) and his mate/finance Yuta near the end of high school for him when his parents had to move back to China to help their eldest son run the company. So with Sicheng he went, they would hang out while the elder couple did lovey-dovey stuff in front of them. And they would spend the night playing video games and watch movies and dance and what not. But this week his best friend was scheduled to have his heat. So he wasn't allowed to go over there this week. Before, if they needed someone to watch Jisung, they would ask their friend Taeyong, but he was pregnant, and his younger brother Donghyuck(Who was another option) was sick, so that put the two of them out of the running. Taeil had to work, and Kun, Ten, Lucas, and his mate who was Doyoung's little brother Jungwoo were busy trying to inform Lucas's side of the family that the omega was pregnant. So the only option left was his older brother Jaemin. And normally they had no problem asking Jaemin to watch his baby brother, he always did it when they were younger. But the omega was also pregnant, and they didn't want to stress out Jaemin anymore than they had to. But, when Jaehyun had called earlier to see if it was okay, the younger had jumped at the chance to have his baby brother sleep over that night. So here they were.  

                  "I'm okay Hyung." Jisung said. "I was just thinking." He told him. Doyoung didn't really seem to buy it, and he spent a couple of seconds staring at him before going back to the road. Jisung then turned his attention to looking out the window and watching the world go by as they made his way to Jaemin's apartment. In relation to their own apartment, Jaemin actually lives really close, it was one of the things that they had to do to let Jaemin move out. They had to be living close to someone, and three options were them, Yuta and Sicheng, or Kun and Ten.(Taeyong was still with his ex at the time and no one in their friend group trusted the man with anyone.) Luckily, they were able to find a nice sized apartment near Doyoung and Jaehyun for a halfway decent price. And both Jaehyun and Sicheng had offered to help them pay for it if they ever needed it, along with Jeno's parents. But it was a bit of a drive from Jisung's school to the apartment. Though it gave the three occupants of the apartment time to get home from class if they had any. But it still felt like the shortest drive of his life to Jisung.  

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