Kappas POV
Today I got a job at castle co. It's only a assistant job but it's something, at least I don't have to work with Ellis any more. I was interviewed by the CEO of the company,
"So, do you have any experience?" Her voice was very stern
"back in England I got a degree in writing, and worked alongside famous author jakklyn Lewis"
"Oh, you're from England? Why'd you move?"
"Mainly for work, a little because my ex boyfriend lived near me, I hope to stay here long enough so he forgets me"
Her eyes lit up when I said ex boyfriend, that was weird but I didn't give it a second glance
"Well, you seem just the write fit for Lucy, he'll enjoy some help"
It's true I did work with jakklyn Lewis, I'll never know while she higherd me though. Anyway, it feels good to work again to be honest.Suscas pov
(She's the CEO)
"Hey siren! I got a surprise for you" I yelled to my son who had gotten home before her since he was only the head of advertisment and we didn't have any new books to get out there, "what mom?" He said back coming out of his room. "I found someone to set you up with!" I said in a sing songy voice, I had been trying to find the perfect guy for him since he came out, "smart, cute, the list goes on, anyway, you interested?" I said as he walked down the stairs "yeah, I haven't had a date in Months." He was VERY clearly excited about this. "Ok, I'll ask him to go one blind date with you soon!" "Whatever you say mom" siren had is his hand on his head "are you ok?" I asked "yeah, just a headache" he grabbed some painkillers and water and went back upstairsSirens pov
I got some good news and some bad news, my mom found a guy she thinks I'll like, which is good, but I'm still getting throbbing migraines every day, I should really get some help with this, but will I? Probably not, oh I'm so stupid! I really need someone in my life right now, I've been feeling so lonely lately. I took my painkillers and went to sleep, well tried to.