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Empty. That's all he's been feeling recently. The endless spinning of the carousel in his small cell the only thing he's seen. He thinks about that man. His name and face on the tip of his tongue, in the darkest recesses of his mind. He remembered his explanation, the words he'd spoken in an endless loop inside his head. He was insane. He knew it. The information the man had showed him, and the evidence he'd given, had broken his mind beyond repair. He threw the devil's knife against the wall, not finding the energy to grin as the metal scraped the obnoxiously turning wall, sparks flying from the impact point. His eyes slowly scanned his little freedom. Taking his jester hat off, he let his white hair hang in his face, covering his eyes. He sighed and stood, bleakly attacking the wall. The attack did nothing, the damage simply went away. He couldn't escape. How long had he been in here? Weeks? Months? Years? He'd lost count long ago. He banged on the wall. Black, oily tears beginning to drop from his broken eyes. "LET ME OUT, OUT! ALL OF THIS IS POINTLESS, POINTLESS!" He continued to bang on the wall, even as his health began to slowly drop as he punched the impenetrable force. Blood dripped from his clenched fists as his long nails dug into his palms. He stopped. He slid to the ground, defeated. "Help me. Please... let me out, out!" He cried, slowly suffocating in the room he's been stuck in for as long as he can remember. "SEAM! PLEASE, PLEASE! L-let me out..." He cried out one last time, hoping someone had heard him.

But nobody came. 

But nobody came. (My angsty drabbles!)Where stories live. Discover now