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We are going to switch it up for the first day back enjoy! :)

Unknowns POV

ring ring

' Who the hell is calling now?' I spit out as I read the caller ID.

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" Why hello darling how are you?" I smirk knowing I'm pissing her off.

"I stopped the search party just tell me where she is Felix." I grinned at her response.

"And why would I do that?" There was a long pause," you didn't hold your end of the bargain bitch." I grit my teeth trying to hold my composure.

"How was I supposed to tell her huh?" I could hear the sadness in her tone ,but nothing hurts more than what I've been feeling.

"you could've started with I don't know maybe explaining what really happened to her parents." I slam my fists against the table.

"Sorry boss."I could hear the pain in her throat which in return makes me grin.

"Yea you will be." I hang up staring off into space thinking back to that night.
Ring Ring

'Who the fuck is it now' I think to myself.

"What the fuck is it now?" I sit back in my chair waiting for the worst.

"We got her boss now what do we do?"
There's a long pause of silence before I clear my throat.

"Protect her at all cost I'll be there soon I have to handle business." I hear laughter in the other side.

"I am one of the most ruthless men around and you want me to babysit?"

"Yes that's an order Donovan." And with that I hang up on him, he's one of my best men he won't let me down.

Felicity's POV

As the door bust open I'm met with the same regretful eyes as the day of the accident.

"Thank god you are ok." Rae rushes and hugs me.

"Don have you been taking care of my bitch." Rae glares at Don.

"Wait a damn minute." I turn to Rae arms crossed readying to pop off at any minute.

"How the hell do you know who he is?"

"Alright don't be mad but I was sent to be your friend to protect you but then we really became besties and I love you so don't hate me and Don is my step brother."
She takes a breathe, as I soak all that in. I feel my head getting dizzy then darkness.

Thank you all 💛💛

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