Chapter 12

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(Nahla POV)

"Yeah and then Val said she's pregnant by Trigga, but I'm sure they will get things together and work it out," I said biting into my pancake, Khalan and I were enjoying breakfast in bed, we always try getting up as early as possible to spend quality time together and just talk.

"Damn that's crazy, I told that nigga that all that cheating would catch up to him, but he still young at heart and he don't think like me and Dice ," Khalan said grabbing the tray to take our dishes to the sink.

I got up to shower and start my day I decided on something simple for work today because I had a bunch of clients , I'm usually swamped on weekends anyway.

"Khalan I'm getting ready to head out baby, "I said making sure I had all my things for work he came up from his man cave high which makes him look so freaking sexy

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"Khalan I'm getting ready to head out baby, "I said making sure I had all my things for work he came up from his man cave high which makes him look so freaking sexy.

"Khalan I'm getting ready to head out baby, "I said making sure I had all my things for work he came up from his man cave high which makes him look so freaking sexy

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"Aight boo dont work too hard all, and call me if you need anything,"He said before giving me a long kiss making sure to grab a hand full of my ass.

"No Khalan I have to go baby, I love you and I will call you on my lunch break," I said heading out the door to work .

(2 Hours Later)

I was working on putting my client under the dryer for a deep condition when I heard the door open to the salon.

"Welcome to Unique Styles," I heard the receptionist say causing me to look up seeing Ms. Tabitha.

"Hey Tabitha I didn't know you had an appointment today," I said instructing my client to the dryer.

"I don't , but could I speak to you in private ," she said.

"Sure, Candice can you prep Cyan for her box braids I'll be right back, come on this way," I said showing her to my office.

"You want some water or cranberry juice ," I turned around to see this look on her face that I knew was fixing to be some BS going down.

" No , look I just came to warn you that Nasit is my husband and even if the results come back to him being your dad dont think your taking him from me and my unborn's life , and I dare you to try me I will make your life a living hell, have a good one," she storming out catching me completely off guard. WTF I said to myself instantly calling Khalan

(Smoke POV)

"Yo nigga you better be getting your shit together because if you fuck up my sex life imma whoop yo ass that on Crip my nigga," I said to Trigga as we were walking to the corner store no matter how much money we get we will always be street niggas. We were almost at the store when I could have sworn I seen a lady that look just like Nahla mom but maybe I'm tripping , we kept walking and I was on the snack aisle when I heard "yo Aretha bring your ass on here ," I stopped in my tracks and knew instantly that I wasn't tripping earlier . I got my phone out calling Nahla ,

"Yo babe I got some shit to tell you ," she sounded like she was upset already so I didn't know wether to tell her now.

"Yeah I got some shit to tell you too meet at our spot ASAP !" I hurry and got my stuff from the store and told Trigga to watch the crib for me hopped in my range and headed over to the spot .


I introduced Nahla to this place about a month ago and she wants to go at least once a week she said it brings her peace

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I introduced Nahla to this place about a month ago and she wants to go at least once a week she said it brings her peace . I hopped out my car and took my shoes off cause I seen Nahla on the beach. I knew my baby was stressed cause she had blunt and rarely ever smokes.

"Wassup mamas , what's wrong?" I said picking her up and taking her inside the beach house.

"Khalan , I wanted to strangle Tabitha so bad today, you know she had the nerve to get in my face about me wanting to take her fucking life with Nas like I barely know him what do I look like trying to take him away from her then she said something about being pregnant by him and all that, I can't remember exactly everything that bitch said I just knew I wanted to shoot her right then and there but my body wouldn't let me," she said going to cabinet grabbing the henny taking it to the head. I know this is probably the wrong time but she look sexy af mad.

"Just calm down mamas, don't be stressing about her I always thought she was a little crazy anyway," I said rolling another blunt because I didn't even know how to stomach telling her I seen her dead moms.

"What did you have to tell me , if its bad just go ahead and over load me now so I can take it all at once," She said taking a long drag from the blunt.

"I seen Aretha today?" I said really fast.

"Aretha who?" she said looking at me crazy.

"I seen your moms today, at first I thought I was tripping but the man in the store even called her by her name , and I never forget a face she look just like that picture you showed me of her," Nahla was just sitting there like she seen a ghost and before I knew she passed out on the floor.


Here you guys an update, I hope you enjoy it I've been very busy so I'm just trying to update on time but things don't happen like that sorry you guys.


Do you guys think Aretha is alive?

What's Tabitha's problem?

Earnie meeting Dice parents wow! lol

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